Lara Almarcegui — Ivry souterrain

Lara Almarcegui
Ivry souterrain
Past: April 19 → June 23, 2013
Since the mid-1990s, Lara Almarcegui has been interested in the “interstices” that exist in urban and suburban areas, the empty lots, underground passages, ruins and construction sites, spaces that are normally ignored or overlooked, which she rigorously studies in order to pass on her experience of them.
Invited in 2010 to bring her brand of research to the area bounded by Ivry-sur-Seine, Almarcegui focused on the city’s underground reality. The show at Crédac features a selection of the artist’s projects related to a new publication entitled Ivry souterrain (Underground Ivry).
The city of Ivry-sur-Seine is currently undergoing enormous change and a profound redefining of its territory, where major development projects are about to break ground.
Based on a synthesis of current data on the state of the city’s underground areas, the book Ivry souterrain examines the different periods and below-ground levels of human activity, networks and infrastructures. Old quarries and labyrinthine basements, sacred thermal springs, metro tunnels, buried lakes, networks of water, energy and telecommunications present a genuine portrait of the city through what lies beneath it.
In several of its manifestations, Almarcegui’s work resembles a straightforward inventory of data related to a given site. It is an inventory that is both “horizontal” — territories that she reveals through maps and slideshows accompanied by visitors’ guides — and “vertical” — the geological nature of a particular area, construction materials or materials coming from a destruction of some kind, which she presents in the form of lists or installations. Each work or show is an objective reproduction of the long-term experience of a place and a synthesis of a large amount of information. This reproduction may assume a monumental aspect (the Rubble Mountains currently on view at MUSAC in León, Spain), or it may be slight and minimalist, such as slideshows, guides, lists of the weights of materials—typologies springing from research or education sources enabling the viewer-reader to make a mental representation of the spaces in question.
While the artist’s projects are intrinsic to their context, they also allow her to freeze a fleeting moment and, through the work of memory, locate it in a longer, more expansive timeframe. The integrity, clarity and systematization of her art with respect to a specific place point up its singularity while making it possible to tease out the issues that have a global resonance.
Almarcegui thus combines a social commitment with her analytical art practice.
By pointing up the land’s subjugation to building development, Lara Almarcegui produces work in an approach that proves political and ecological, in the original sense of the term, i.e., the understanding of what surrounds us. Because they speak to us from margins of the land and society, her works stand as invitations to leave the exhibition space and reappropriate our environment.
Lara Almarcegui is born in Saragossa, Spain, in 1972. She lives and works in Rotterdam
Recent group exhibitions include Manifesta IX, Genk and TRACK, Gent (2012), Radical Nature, Barbican Art Centre London, (2009), Athens biennale (2009), Taipei and Gwuangyu Biennale in 2008, Sharjah Biennale (2007), The 27th São Paulo Biennial, San Paulo (2006) , the 2nd Seville Biennial, Seville (2006), (Public Act) Lunds Konsthal, Lund (2005).
Solo exhibitions include Musac, León (2013); CA2M, Madrid (2012), Künstlerhaus, Bremen (2012) Secession, Vienna and Ludlow 38, New York (2010), Gallery Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam (2008), the Malaga Centre of Contemporary Art, Malaga (2007), the FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon (2004) and INDEX, Stockholm (2003). She is represented by Gallery Parra y Romero in Madrid and Gallery Ellen de Bruijne Projects in Amsterdam.
This exhibition received the financial support of Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam, and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) With the careful support of Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
Opening Thursday, April 18, 2013 5 PM → 9 PM
Since the mid-1990s, Lara Almarcegui has been interested in the “interstices” that exist in urban and suburban areas, the empty lots, underground passages, ruins and construction sites, spaces that are normally ignored or overlooked, which she rigorously studies in order to pass on her experience of them.
Simon Boudvin — Façade 03 (Mouscron) Lecture Thursday, May 16, 2013 7 PM → 8:30 PM
From each built space comes a second hollow space from which the materials are extracted. This truism allows us to imagine the actual volume of the hidden sisters of architecture: quarries, mines… a cliché reminding us that every action produces its direct double print. Unless we consider the city as an open air quarry.
Stefan Shankland — Le Monde change l’art... Lecture Tuesday, June 4, 2013 7 PM → 8:30 PM
Que peut apporter l’art à un territoire en mutation ? Que change l’expérience d’une transformation urbaine dans notre façon de concevoir l’art dans la ville ? C’est autour de ces questions que Stefan Shankland construit le projet TRANS305. La ville en chantier est considérée comme une ressource pour l’art, l’architecture expérimentale et les expériences pédagogiques.
Lara Almarcegui & Eva González-Sancho — Rencontre Lecture Saturday, June 15, 2013 4 PM → 6 PM
With Lara Almarcegui and Eva González-Sancho, director of MUSAC, Spain.
Atelier Goûter — Visite et atelier de pratique artistique en famille Visit Sunday, June 23, 2013 4:30 PM → 3:30 PM
Les médiateurs du Crédac invitent les enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans et leurs familles à découvrir l’exposition de Lara Almarcegui. Après la visite, petits et grands se retrouvent autour d’un goûter et d’un atelier sculpture inspiré de l’univers de l’artiste.
La Manufacture des Œillets,
1 Place Pierre Gosnat
94200 Ivry s/ Seine
T. 01 49 60 25 06
Opening hours
Wednesday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
Closed on public holidays
Admission fee
Free entrance
Venue schedule
The artist
Lara Almarcegui