Le Printemps des Laboratoires #4 — La Psychotropification de la société


Film, installation, new media, performance...

Le Printemps des Laboratoires #4
La Psychotropification de la société

Past: June 4 → 5, 2016

This year’s edition of the Printemps des Laboratoires, titled The Pyschotropification of Society and running from 30th May to 5th June 2016, sets out to present to a broader public and to pursue with a host of speakers (including artists, researchers and those directly concerned), the research conducted since October 2015 on “the psychotropification of society” (in particular via fortnightly reading workshops and seminars on ‘care practices and collectives’).

Psychotropification, a term combining the words ‘psychopharmacy” and ‘tropism’, refers to the exponential rise in the prescription and use of medication in the treatment of mental health disorders. Our intention in highlighting the notion of “tropism” is to show that the rise and banalisation of medical prescriptions is linked to a standardising ideology that is infiltrating and governing Western societies, which are more concerned with the freedom of action of pharmaceutical industries than with the freedom of action of the individuals that make up society. Through a week-long programme of screenings, lectures, performances, round table discussions and workshops, we will attempt to glean and understanding of the different paradigms involved in the problematic of Psychotropification.

The point of departure of our inquiry is an acknowledgment of the rising influence of pharmaceutical companies, and a certain tendency within psychiatric practice to reduce individuals to their pathology and to classify human beings according to categories of medical diagnosis.

In opposition to this, we hope to make these sessions an opportunity to embrace the possibility of being multiple and to reinvent ways of living together, by grounding our approach in the acceptance of individual, personal perceptual experiences rather than in the reason that governs us. We want to make a place for our dead and for the unseeable presences we experience, for our visions, dreams and hallucinations, conceived as an integral part of our identity constructions. Let us posit heterogeneous modes of existence that are not necessarily rational and that can find ways of coexisting with one another. We want to give voice to different experiences, to our “minority becomings”, in order to resist a world wholly consumed by the will for efficacy and profitability.

During this two-day event we will be trying to identify the kind of language able to do justice to the various actors engaging with these issues (are they survivors? experts? militants/campaigners? persons directly concerned? users?), we will be paying attention to the vocabulary employed in the context of therapies and life experiences (illness? (health)care? healing? recovery?), we will be collectively exploring and experimenting with the question of art as a space of co-existence, resistance, invention and art as tool), and of art as a space for the integration and unfolding of common, everyday madness.



Saturday 4th June 2016, 10 am to 11 pm

10 am — 1 pm

The Psychotropification of society,
An introduction by Dora García, Alexandra Baudelot et Mathilde Villeneuve

A long-awaited democratic psychotherapy…, by Tobie Nathan

Caring for/ treating institutions: “presences proches” (close presences, reinventing care homes and institutions
With Jean-François Chevrier, Florent Gabarron-Garcia et Tobie Nathan.

2:30 pm
  • Grande salle — A performative lecture by Dingdingdong with Anne Collod, Emilie Hermant, Valérie Pihet (founding members)
4 pm
  • Petite salle — Political enquiries and accounts of experimentations; discussing the Cahiers d’enquêtes politiques (vivre, experimenter, raconter) [Political enquiry notes (living, experimenting, recounting)]
    With Josep Rafanell i Orra (moderator), Rémi Eliçabe, Amandine Guibert et François Thoreau.
  • Grande salle —  Auprès du Naufrage, by Silvia Maglioni et Graeme Thomson
6 pm
  • Petite salle —  Care practices and collective formations: the question of self-support and mutual aid between individuals affected by singular disorders
    With Josep Rafanell i Orra (moderator), Jean-Marc Dupaz, Magali Molinié, Pticarus et Alexandre Vaillant.
  • Grande salle — Therapeutic Townhall Meeting: heal the museum by Grace Ndiritu
    The performance will be given in English. Each participant will be given a protocol to be followed during the performance.
    Limited space, BOOKING REQUIRED at reservation@leslaboratoires.org or 01 53 56 15 90
8 pm  —  Dîner open to all

A financial contribution of 10 € will be required
Booking required at reservation@leslaboratoires.org or 01 53 56 15 90


Sunday 5th June 2016, 11 am to 6:30 pm

11 am — 1:30 pm

The Right to Be Unhappy by Veronica Valentini
Les morts, ça fait quoi? (What do the dead do?) by Magali Molinié
Artistic hallucination by Jean-François Chevrier

2 — 5 pm
  • Grande salle — Screening of Yellow Movie, 2010 — film by Rossella Biscotti
    The screening will be followed by a discussion with Rossella Biscotti. The presentation and discussion will be in English.
  • Grande salle —  Beyond the normal and the pathological, curating programmes collapsing art & medicine by Bárbara Rodríguez Muñoz
    The lecture will be given in English.
5 — 6 pm
  • Petite salle —  Idiorhythm (and Blues) by Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson
    Places limitées, RESERVATIONS OBLIGATOIRES à reservation@leslaboratoires.org ou au 01 53 56 15 90
6:30 pm  —  Closing
93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

41, rue Lécuyer

93300 Aubervilliers

T. 01 53 56 15 90 — F. 01 53 56 15 99


Aubervilliers – Pantin Quatre Chemins

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm

Admission fee

Free entrance

And on booking for events at bonjour@leslaboratoires.org

The artists

  • Dora Garcia
  • Grace Ndiritu
  • Rossella Biscotti
  • Silvia Maglioni
  • Graeme Thomson
  • Magali Molinié
  • Jean François Chevrier
  • Jean Marc Dupaz
  • Rémi Eliçabe
  • Amandine Guibert
And 9 others…