Persona grata ? — 9e exposition de la collection
Past: March 30, 2019 → January 5, 2020
If the city of tomorrow is taking form on the coasts, frontiers and jungles of today’s Europe, then gratitude and hospitality are not its founding pillars. Just as the fact of welcoming the other can be envisaged only because it is prevented, then hospitality today is countered, or even illegal.

Collage, drawing, installation...
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Persona grata
Past: October 16, 2018 → February 24, 2019
The Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration and the MAC VAL — Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne are collaborating to present a project questioning the notion of hospitality through the prism of contemporary creation.
Together, the two institutions- a social museum that value contemporary creation and a…

Installation, photography, sculpture...
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
The Border is a State of Mind
Past: October 13 → November 17, 2018
The Border is a State of Mind is a group show articulated around the notion of territorial frontier and the symbolic meanings it conveys today, in a context of rise of nationalisms, return of the “walls” and new geopolitical conflicts.

Collage, photography, sculpture...
Poggi Gallery
L’Effet Vertigo — Nouvelle exposition des œuvres de la collection
Past: October 24, 2015 → October 24, 2016
The new exhibition of works from the collection explores the relationship between artists and history and its narratives as well as our own relationship as spectator with what has preceded us. Perspective, that which imbues it and constitutes it, is an essential part of this relationship.

Installation, painting, sculpture
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Matérialisme Histérique — Exposition Collective
Past: October 18 → November 29, 2014
By capturing historical materials, art reflects and manufactures our relationship with History and stories; it relates and evades its own story, the history of art, but it also weaves and updates minor stories that were constantly infringing upon the dominating, ideological, great History.

Mixed media
Poggi Gallery
Jérémie Gaulin & Fabien Vallos — Chrématistique III
Past: July 5 → November 9, 2014
Chrématistique se conçoit comme une unité de recherche indépendante, comme un observatoire et un processus d’exposition. Cette troisième exposition au Cneai est un fonds de recherche sur l’économie de monstration et l’économie de l’œuvre.

Installation, mixed media
CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image
Sans titre (Je suis là) — Collection de Thibault Poutrel
Past: September 9 → 20, 2014
Jérôme Poggi is pleased to open the sixth season of the gallery by inviting the young collector Thibault Poutrel to present a selection of works from his own collection begun six years ago.

Mixed media
Poggi Gallery
Société Réaliste — Thelema of Nations
Past: June 22 → July 27, 2013
Entitled Thelema of Nations, the exhibition gathers recent works by Société Réaliste making a connection between the literary utopia of Thelema described for the first time in François Rabelais’s Gargantua, and the geopolitical reality of the United Nations.

Installation, sound - music, mixed media
Poggi Gallery
Exposition collective — How High The Moon
Past: January 25 → March 9, 2013
How High The Moon gathers a dozen artists whose works endeavor to represent space favoring conceptual over Euclidian perspective. Abstracted from focal vision and perspective, these works multiply our viewpoints and launch us to heights at which the horizon itself disappears, dissolving into the visual plane.

Collage, drawing, graphic design...
Poggi Gallery
Société Réaliste — Monotopia
Past: April 14 → May 26, 2012
Société Réaliste experiments with their typography by presenting ornamental accumulations of Monotopia, reproducing the rythmics of political mantras, mixing the fundamental directions, researching the connections between number and dates, trying to define the shape of any date and any place, registering the common transversality of time and space, or refusing to inscribe the privative u- of Utopia.

Ceramic, installation, mixed media
Michel Rein Gallery
Enacting Populism in its Mediæscape
Past: February 18 → April 22, 2012
“Enacting Populism” tackles the relationships between art practices and the populist mediascape that connotes the current political Zeitgeist of Europe. During the last two months of the presidential elections campaign in France, it develops a historical perspective and a potentiality to re-think the meaning of participation as fundamental for democracy.

Installation, performance, video
Past: October 15 → 31, 2010
Drapeau, bannière, étendard, pavillon, flamme… Noms multiples pour vecteurs multiples. L’exposition Flagpole regroupe des œuvres qui, à travers la forme ou l’idée du drapeau, suggèrent des territoires possibles, de nouvelles économies, des politiques artificielles, des espaces utopiques…

Installation, mixed media