Mona Varichon
Mona Varichon (born Paris, 1989) is a Franco-Egyptian video artist, author and translator based in Paris, currently in residency at the Cité internationale des arts. She holds a Master’s of Fine Arts from the Art Center in Pasadena, a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute, and a degree in sociology from the Université Paris Descartes. Her videos have been shown at The Renaissance Society (Chicago, USA), CAPC (Bordeaux, France), u’s (Diamond Valley, Canada), Extramentale (Arles, France), Bel Ami (Los Angeles, USA) and FLAX Foundation (Tin Flats, Los Angeles, USA). In Spring 2021, she will participate in a group exhibition at the gallery BQ (Berlin) and presente a monographic exhibition by her mother, Malak El Zanaty Varichon, at Cocotte, the space of artist Louise Sartor in Treignac, France. She is currently translating the memoires of American artists George and Mike Kuchar, to be published in 2021 by her publishing house Varichon & Cie.
Source AWARE : Archives of Women Artists Research & Exhibitions
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