Artistes & Robots


Design, installation, new media, performance...

Artistes & Robots

Past: April 5 → July 9, 2018

The exhibition invites audiences to experience works created by artists with the aid of ever more intelligent robots. Around thirty works offer us a glimpse into an immersive and interactive virtual world, a tangible experience of augmented reality, of space and time overturned. In an increasingly mechanised society, artists are taking a growing interest in robots, as artificial intelligence is now transforming human existence, affecting the very nature of the artwork itself: its production, exhibition, distribution, conservation and reception.

Stelarc re wired re mixed for dismembered body 2016 artistes robots au grand palais event 1 medium
Stelarc, Re-Wired/ Re-Mixed : Event for Dismembered Body, 2016 — un bras Exoskeleton, vidéo HD 16 / 9e, 60 × 25 cm ; 12 kg © Stelarc / photo Steven Aaron Hughes

They have substantial experience with such matters: as far back as the prehistoric caves, artists have long known how to work with their technical environment. Their work takes on more astonishing dimensions with the use of increasingly powerful software that offers even greater autonomy to artworks, an infinite capacity to work with shapes and interactivity that can constantly modify the artistic gesture.

The contemporary works are presented alongside a few visionary icons (Tinguely, Schöffer, Molnar, Mohr and Xenakis) and give us a good idea of the questions artists are asking, which mirror our own: What is an artist? What is an artwork? What can a robot achieve that an artist cannot? If it has artificial intelligence, does a robot have imagination? Who decides: the artist, the engineer, the spectator, all of us? Can we talk about a collective artwork?

08 Paris 8 Zoom in 08 Paris 8 Zoom out

3, av du Général Eisenhower

75008 Paris

T. 01 44 13 17 17

Official website

Champs-Élysées – Clemenceau
Franklin D.Roosevelt

Opening hours

The opening hours of the Grand Palais depend on the exhibitions or events that occur there

Admission fee

Full rate €30.00 — Concessions €15.00

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Orlan
  • Takashi Murakami
  • Nam June Paik
  • Jean Tinguely
  • Nicolas Darrot
  • Ryoji Ikeda

From the same artists