Chantal Akerman — Maniac Shadows

Chantal Akerman
Maniac Shadows
Past: November 19, 2016 → February 19, 2017

Creator of unforgettable films, Chantal Akerman is one of the great artists and filmmakers of the last fifty years. This exhibition, envisaged with her before her death, brings together historic works and recent installations as a tribute to her importance in the field of contemporary art.
Chantal Akerman’s work in film brought her international recognition. From her beginnings until her death last year she ceaselessly reinvented her formal vocabulary and way of looking at the world, moving with unparalleled freedom between genres: featurelength fiction and documentary, comedy and drama, and video installation. Her influence on the cinema’s most famous directors is indisputable, but her legacy to the visual arts, while less known, is just as fundamental.
In her host of different projects Akerman blazed a trail — between reality and fiction, the narrative and the experimental, history and memory — that artists of all kinds are exploring more and more. Summoning up all the possibilities of the cinema image and of vision, space and performance, her singular approach to so many issues — frontiers, changes of place, racism, identity, the relationship between personal and public space — has played a crucial part in the evolution of the visual arts.
For the first time in France, the art centre is presenting Maniac Shadows, one of her last video installations. In images shot in or from her living spaces in Paris, Brussels and New York — and in an intertwining of here and there, of interior and exterior — we hear her reading her novel Ma mère rit in which she meditates on her life and the world. Maniac Shadows is at the core of a journey of rediscovery, taking us through unknown parts of her oeuvre, from that first short feature made when she was eighteen to a recent work for radio. This immersion in her personal universe is brilliantly accompanied by Sonia Wieder-Atherton’s cello and an imagining of how to inhabit space.
Space, time, the image, music, the intimate, politics: through these multiple points of view the exhibition speaks eloquently of the relevance of Akerman’s practice and ideas.
Opening Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 4 PM
Navette au départ de Paris, sur réservation au 01 64 62 77 77.
Hommage à Chantal Akerman par Claire Atherton Event Wednesday, November 30, 2016 7:30 PM → 11:30 PM
À l’occaion de l’exposition « Chantal Akerman : Maniac Shadows », le Centre d’art contemporain de la Ferme du Buisson propose une soirée autour de « No Home Movie » de Chantal Akerman.
Conférence de Sébastien Rémy — Tant que je vous parle ce n’est pas une frontière Lecture Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6 PM
À travers des extraits de films de Chantal Akerman et des siens, le plasticien Sébastien Rémy explique comment son propre travail est traversé par des références croisant ses problématiques liées au corps, aux difficultés de communication, à la réclusion, à la dialectique intérieur/extérieur. À l’École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles.
Toute une journée Chantal Akerman Event Saturday, January 14, 2017 2 PM → 11:30 PM
Plusieurs longs et courts métrages témoignent de la richesse du cinéma d’Akerman : la fiction comique succède au documentaire politique, en faisant un détour par les films sur la danse ou la musique, et les propositions plus expérimentales. Entre chaque projection sur le grand écran du cinéma, des visites d’exposition…
Opening hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 2 PM – 7:30 PM
et les soirs de spectacles
Admission fee
Entrée libre
Venue schedule
The artist
Chantal Akerman