Choices Paris — Galerie laurent mueller


Mixed media

Choices Paris
Galerie laurent mueller

Past: May 29 → 31, 2015

Choices julien previeux galerie jousse entreprise 02 grid Choices Paris 2015 Pour cette seconde édition de Choices, quarante galeries s’associent pour proposer l’un des derniers temps forts de la saison artistique parisienne. Un week-end de présentation de solo shows dans toute la ville qui fait écho à la grande exposition organisée aux Beaux-Arts de Paris de ces artistes dont le commissariat est confié à Alfred Pacquement.

Through her drawings, Corinne Laroche conceives the surface of the work as a territory. She defines protocols to fill space through the repetition of a gesture and the creation of a graphical grid that expands from shapes such as the square or the dot. The passing of time is made visible through an economy of means, the insertion of a trace. Her work, that might seem intimate and similar to writing on a small scale, becomes performative when it grows to fill a whole wall. By demultiplying a module which can be a dot, an hachure or a square, Corinne Laroche draws a genealogy of the work, a meditation on space and time.

During Choices, she will be showing new works at the galerie laurent mueller.

Upstairs in the Studio, Robin Meier will be showing a “Paleoacoustic” work. He will reproduce the sound of an extinct cricket based on a fossil that is several million years old. Influenced by the venture of the Voyager space mission which contains, among others, a transcript of nature’s sounds on earth.


Galerie Laurent Mueller Gallery
Map Map
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

75, rue des Archives

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 74 04 25

Arts et Métiers
Filles du Calvaire

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment

The artist