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Drawing, installation, painting, photography...

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Past: February 26 → March 26, 2011

Somewhere else, the writing is just like a painting, and the graphic gesture brought to the perfection is, for the amateur, source of delight and excitement. The calligraphy is the foundation of the Chinese art in the modern sense of the term. The visual beauty of ideograms, technique on which it leans and the formal aspects, embody all the metaphysical rules of their culture. It became a major art. The calligraphy is the most characteristic shape of art for the Chinese cultural area, and the traditional styles of paintings arise from it. It is originally even the art in the western sense of the term.

A Michaux’s ink serves as point of departure to this exhibition around the writing and its various aspect in contemporary works. If Michaux is above all a writer and a poet, he practiced painting experiments, giving birth to graphic works which evoke the writing but more especially the abstraction. The signs are not any more source of words, they are the support for a roaming thought and for our personal onirism. The sense given to the work depends on us and for Michaux if the black of the indian ink (encre de Chine) makes certainly reference to the calligraphy, it is also a conterpoint in the blank page.

This exhibition has for theme writing and contemporary artists. It is question of presenting a selection of works having in common the writing. It is not an exhaustive inventory ( impossible to realize so much the interactions are numerous) but a selection based on the subjectivity. None of these artists belong to a movement, such as the Lettrisme. The used techniques and aspects are sometimes close. So, the neon is a means, in the same way as watercolor is a technique. These artists have choosed to say, to keep silent, to evoke, to suggest. These works are sometimes characteristic of the production of the artist. For others, they are only one among other forms. You should not look for links enter these artists apart their presentation in the space of the gallery.

  • Opening Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 4 PM
Alain Gutharc Gallery Gallery
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03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

7, rue Saint Claude

75003 Paris

T. 01 47 00 32 10 — F. 01 40 21 72 74

Saint-Sébastien – Froissart

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM / 2 PM – 7 PM

The artists