De l’amour — Michel Maffesoli reçoit Jean-François Colosimo, Vincenzo Susca et Michaël Dandrieux

De l’amour
Michel Maffesoli reçoit Jean-François Colosimo, Vincenzo Susca et Michaël Dandrieux
Past: Thursday, March 1, 2012
« About love » : Michel Maffesoli talks to Jean-François Colosimo, president of the Centre National du Livre (CNL, National Centre for the Book), scholar Vincenzo Susca (Université Paul-Valéry/Montpellier III), and Michaël Dandrieux (Eranos).
Soppiness and romance novels aside, being in love represents a sort of disseminating synthesis, scattering here and there an energy that secretly binds society together.
An instinctual, self-renewing force lies behind the quibbling reason: the power of life.
There we are, faced with the irruption of an irrepressible force: everything that was once divided deeply aspires to be reunited, and contributes to bring together what lies scattered around.
The fourth issue of the Cahiers européens de l’imaginaire will have this “order of love” as its theme.
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Late night on Wednesday
Visites commentées le mercredi à 12h et le samedi à 12h et 16h
Admission fee
Free entrance