Documenta 2022 — Fifteen — Cassel


Mixed media

Documenta 2022
Fifteen — Cassel

Past: June 18 → September 25, 2022

Documenta 14 ibrahim mahama check point prosfygika syntagma square  mathias voelzke 1 grid Documenta 14 — Revue de presse, impressions en revue Révolutionnaire, audacieuse et ouverte sur le monde, la documenta 14 de Cassel ouvre ses portes le 8 avril à Athènes soit deux mois avant son inauguration à Cassel, le 10 juin prochain. Slash propose un recueil d'impressions, d'articles et de commentaires amené à évoluer au fil des semaines pour sentir cette multitude d'événements dans sa pluralité.

documenta is an art exhibition in the city of Kassel in Germany. This art exhibition takes place every 5 years.

documenta is on for 100 days. During that time you will find many interesting pieces of art all over the city.

ruangrupa is the Artistic Direction of the fifteenth edition of documenta. The Jakarta-based artists’ collective has built the foundation of their documenta fifteen on the core values and ideas of lumbung (Indonesian term for a communal rice barn). lumbung as an artistic and economic model is rooted in principles such as collectivity, communal resource sharing, and equal allocation, and is embodied in all parts of the collaboration and the exhibition.

Artists & Collectives :

Subversive Film
Erick Beltrán
ook_reinaart vanhoe
Amol K Patil
Jatiwangi art Factory
Nino Bulling
Fondation Festival sur le Niger
Asia Art Archive
Hamja Ahsan
Wakaliga Uganda
Archives des luttes des femmes en Algérie
Siwa plateforme — L’Economat at Redeyef
Project Art Works
Komîna Fîlm a Rojava
Richard Bell
Arts Collaboratory
Dan Perjovschi
OFF-Biennale Budapest
Sada [regroup]
Fehras Publishing Practices
Instituto de Artivismo Hannah Arendt
Marwa Arsanios
Nguyen Trinh Thi
El Warcha
The Nest Collective
Más Arte Más Acción
Nhà Sàn Collective
Sa Sa Art Projects
Wajukuu Art Project
LE 18
Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Culture
Atis Rezistans — Ghetto Biennale
Cao Minghao & Chen Jianjun
Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC)
Taring Padi
Keleketla! Library
Jimmie Durham
The Question of Funding
Chang En-Man
Party Office b2b Fadescha
Serigrafistas queer
The Black Archives
Pınar Ögrenci
Trampoline House
Kiri Dalena
Sourabh Phadke
Centre d’art Waza
Britto Arts Trust
Alice Yard
Jumana Emil Abboud
Safdar Ahmed
La Intermundial Holobiente
Graziela Kunsch
yasmine eid-sabbagh
Agus Nur Amal PMTOH
ZK/U — Center for Art and Urbanistics
Saodat Ismailova
Black Quantum Futurism
Cinema Caravan and Takashi Kuribayashi

Divers lieux Art center
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