
Past: Saturday, September 27, 2014
Thierry Fournier is invited by Synesthésie in 2014-2015 for a residency, in order to create the art project Ecotone. In this meeting, he presents the starting points of this project, which involves the inhabitants of Saint-Denis and Aubervilliers. Ecotone is an interactive network installation adressing particularly the topics of desire and access. Its content and display will gradually spread out, according to the spectator’s visits and behaviors.
The project takes an interest in some stakes already identified ten years ago by Jeremy Rifkin in his book The Age Of Access. Ecotone questions the freedom to move and the possibilities of becoming part of a network, desires that turned out to be a factor of control and benefit for the communication giants. The word “Ecotone” refers usually to an area between two ecosystems — for example, a shore. In this case, it is the network that becomes the place for the relationship between this elements. Created for tablet computers, smartphones and as an installation, Ecotone will be occupied and enriched step by step by its own spectators.
Set up in the district of Landy in Saint-Denis, Thierry Fournier’s residency in Synesthésie will allow him to interview some inhabitants about their desires of access: to spaces, to territory, to work, to education… This district is particularly concerned with these topics because of its multiplicity of cultures, immigrations, social situations, and because of the variety of its urban territories.
This meeting also offers the occasion to present three other works created by Thierry Fournier, each one exploring links between cinema, landscape, and collaborative processes. Precursion is a network installation created in 2014, which proposes a critical confrontation between languages of reality show, of information feeds and of blockbuster cinema. Dépli (2013) is a new way to experience cinema: a sensitive navigation through the film Last Room, by Pierre Carniaux. Fenêtre augmentée is a series of digital exhibitions (2011-2015) which takes the landscape as its subject, its medium and its framework.
Artist, curator and researcher, Thierry Fournier examines our languages, the way they describe the world, in a poetic, social and political sense. Regularly shown in France and abroad, his works of art bring together different spaces-times to provoke critical situations: reality and fiction, inside and outside, living and non-living, human and machine… He lives and works in Aubervilliers. Teacher-researcher at the Ensad and at the Nancy National College Of Art, he also teaches art at Sciences Po Paris.
For the project Ecotone, Synesthésie invites the public to answer a series of questions, linked with “faraway”. What would you like to access to? To which place, to which work? What would you like to do, to see, to experience? What are you dreaming of? Which area, which boundaries would you like to cross? If you could fly, where would you go? These interviews, collected by Thierry Fournier, will form the first part of the project.
Ecotone — Rencontre avec l’artiste Meeting Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 3:30 PM
Médiathèque Don Quichotte, 120 avenue du Président Wilson, 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis.
Opening hours
, 2 PM – 6 PM
, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artist
Thierry Fournier