Eduardo Arroyo — Le Dictionnaire Impossible


Lithography / engraving

Eduardo Arroyo
Le Dictionnaire Impossible

Past: September 14 → October 31, 2012

The gallery Catherine Putman, in collaboration with Franck Bordas, is exhibiting for the first time the printed work by the Spanish artist Eduardo Arroyo: Impossible Dictionnary II, the album of 32 boards, previously unpublished, and edited by Franck Bordas in 2012.

The adventure of Impossible Dictionary begins in 1997 on the invitation of Franck Bordas in the studio situated then at Bastille. On the heavy lithographic stone and in four colours, Eduardo Arroyo invents a series of fifty lithographs for the first fifty entries in the Larousse dictionary, which has accompanied him for years thus forming the signed and numerated volume.

In 2012 , at the Studio Bordas, the work is pursued with the digital tool for a different manner of treating the next thirty definitions of the second volume.

With total freedom and huge imagination Arroyo passes from pencils to scissors, from collage to drawing, from colour to tear; the jubilant exploration of the possibilities offered by paper, that he devotes himself to, is reproduced through digital edition thanks to the complicity between the artist and the editor, both very attached to the variety of materials, attentive to the quality of papers — in particular the Japanese splendours.

  • Opening Thursday, September 13, 2012 6 PM → 9 PM
04 Beaubourg Zoom in 04 Beaubourg Zoom out

40, rue Quincampoix

75004 Paris

T. 01 45 55 23 06 — F. 01 47 05 61 43


Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment

Venue schedule

The artist

  • Eduardo Arroyo

From the same artist