Guerrilla Girls & La Barbe — Talks


Urban art, publishing, performance

Guerrilla Girls & La Barbe

Past: Friday, September 9, 2016 2 PM → 6 PM

Img 2507 grid Panorama 09/16 Du Centre Pompidou au Crédac en passant par les galeries parisiennes, la rédaction pose un regard sans concession sur les expositions franciliennes du mois de septembre.

On September 9 the gallery will organize a conversation between Guerrilla Girls, La Barbe and Femen at the Maison des Auteurs in Paris (7, rue Ballu, 75009).

Marc Donnadieu (curator of contemporary art at LaM, art critic and writer), Camille Morineau (curator at Centre Pompidou and founder of AWARE) and Fabienne Dumont (art historian, art critic and professor of art history at EESAB) will also intervene during this afternoon debate.

11 Bastille Zoom in 11 Bastille Zoom out

94 boulevard Richard Lenoir

75011 Paris

T. 06 09 94 13 46

Filles du Calvaire

Opening hours

Thursday – Saturday, 2 PM – 6 PM
By appointment

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Guerrilla Girls
  • La Barbe