Gustave Doré — L’imaginaire au pouvoir


Lithography / engraving, painting, sculpture

Gustave Doré
L’imaginaire au pouvoir

Past: February 18 → May 11, 2014

Gustave Doré (1832-1883) is without doubt one of the most prodigious artists of the 19th century. At barely fifteen years of age he began a career as a caricaturist and then as a professional illustrator — which brought him international fame — before embracing, like the universal figures of the Renaissance, all areas of creativity: drawing, painting, watercolour, engraving and sculpture.

Doré also applied his immense talent to different genres, from satire to history painting, delivering in turn enormous canvases and more intimate paintings, flamboyant watercolours, virtuoso washes, incisive pen and ink drawings, engravings, fanciful illustrations, as well as Baroque, humorous, monumental and enigmatic sculptures.

As an illustrator, Doré set himself the challenge of the greatest texts. His illustrations for the Bible, Dante, Rabelais, La Fontaine, Perrault, Cervantes, Milton and Shakespeare, as well as his contemporaries, such as Hugo, Balzac, Poe and Tennyson, turned him into a real purveyor of European culture. His multifaceted work thus occupies a special place in contemporary collective imagination: van Gogh, an admirer, drew inspiration from some of his works, the cinema (from Cecil B. DeMille to Terry Gilliam) reaped the rewards of his striking images, and even comic books owe their creation to him.

The first retrospective of Doré’s works in thirty years, the exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay reveal all of the aspects of his art.

Curators: Paul Lang, assistant director and chief curator, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Edouard Papet, chief curator, Musée d’Orsay. This exhibition has been produced by the Musée d’Orsay and the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, in partnership with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

  • Cycle musical — Dans l’univers de Gustave Doré Event February 11 → June 17, 2014
  • Rencontre avec Edouard Papet, conservateur en chef au musée d’Orsay et commissaire de l’exposition Meeting Friday, February 14, 2014 at 12 PM
  • Lecture February 18 → May 3, 2014

    Gustave Doré (1832-1883). L’imaginaire au pouvoir : du 18 février au 3 mai les mardis et samedis à 11h30 et 14h30, les mercredis et vendredis à 11h30 et les jeudis à 11h30 et 19h00 (sauf les 1er, 8 et 29 mai)
     — Dante et Virgile, la Divine Comédie, tous les vendredis de mars à 14h30
     — Doré, illustrateur ? tous les vendredis d’avril à 14h00

  • Il était une fois Gustave Doré (de Méliès à Tim Burton) Screening February 25 → March 23, 2014

    Les 25 et 26 février — Projections exceptionnelles dans la nef
    Du 7 au 23 mars — Festival à l’auditorium

  • Spectacles jeune public Event March 2 → May 4, 2014

    — Les travailleurs de la mer de Victor Hugo : Dimanche 2 mars à 15h00
    — Quichotte d’après Cervantès : Dimanche 6 avril à 15h00
    — Faim de Loup inspiré du Petit Chaperon Rouge des frères Grimm : Dimanche 4 mai à 15h00

  • Journée d’étude : Romantisme, Romantismes Event Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 10 AM
  • Visites-conférences / concerts Event March 20 → April 3, 2014

     — Jeudi 20 mars — 18h30 visite conférence / 20h00 concert de Soile Isokoski et Ilkka Paananen
     — Jeudi 3 avril — 18h30 visite-conférence / 20h00 concert du Jeune Chœur de Paris

  • Colloque, Gustave Doré et le papier Event April 29 → 30, 2014

    — Mardi 29 et mercredi 30 avril de 10h00 à 17h00

07 Paris 7 Zoom in 07 Paris 7 Zoom out

1, rue de la Légion d’Honneur

75007 Paris

T. 01 40 49 48 14

Official website


Opening hours

Every day except Monday, 9:30 AM – 6 PM
Late night on Thursday until 9:30 PM

Admission fee

Full rate €16.00 — Concessions €13.00

The artist

  • Gustave Doré