Intervention #1 — Anne-Sarah Huet, Philippe Artières, Sonia Chiambretto et Yoann Thommerel


Performance, poetry

Intervention #1
Anne-Sarah Huet, Philippe Artières, Sonia Chiambretto et Yoann Thommerel

Past: Friday, February 12, 2016 at 8 PM

For the first public event of their residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Sonia Chiambretto and Yoann Thommerel, in collaboration with the Groupe d’information sur les ghettos (g.i.g.), will be presenting “QUESTIONNAIRE No.1”, written with the participation of local residents of Aubervilliers. They have also invited historian and writer Philippe Artières and economist and poet Anne-Sarah Huet to take part in this evening event. Somewhere between a lecture, a reading session and performance, the four participants will be giving an account of their research and an interpretation of the archival documents put together by the g.i.g.

Apprehended by some as a centre with adaptable missions, difficult to situate, and by others as a black box, g.i.g. brings together textual, sound and visual documents on ghettos, and describes itself as an open set: «For any given point a of E: every superset of a neighbourhood of a is itself a neighbourhood of a; the intersection of two neighbourhoods of a is itself a neighbourhood of a; E is a neighbourhood of a; every neighbourhood of a includes a; for any given neighbourhood V of a, there exists a neighbourhood W of a such that V is the neighbourhood of each point of W».

During their residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers in 2016, Sonia Chiambretto and Yoann Thommerel will be setting up in situ a new information group, made up of local residents of Aubervilliers, focusing on creating new inquiry protocols and new modes of circulation: diffusion, data collection and processing.


Free entry, booking required
at or at 01 53 56 15 90

93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

41, rue Lécuyer

93300 Aubervilliers

T. 01 53 56 15 90 — F. 01 53 56 15 99

Aubervilliers – Pantin Quatre Chemins

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm

Admission fee

Free entrance

And on booking for events at

The artists

  • Yoann Thommerel
  • Philippe Artières
  • Sonia Chiambretto
  • Anne Sarah Huet