Jean-Charles Eustache — Car le temps est proche

Jean-Charles Eustache
Car le temps est proche
Past: April 14 → May 27, 2023
The Claire Gastaud gallery is pleased to present in its Parisian space, from 14 April to 27 May 2023, the monographic exhibition “Car le temps est proche” by the artist Jean-Charles Eustache, curated by Jean-Charles Vergne, director of the FRAC Auvergne. On display is a group of some twenty recent works specially produced for the exhibition, which sketch out potential narratives in the artist’s very particular universe: acrylic paintings on small-format wooden panels whose surprising mattness and diffuse colour treatment give them a mineral and dreamlike appearance.
“The figurative paintings — let’s call them that for convenience — gathered in the exhibition organized at the Claire Gastaud gallery represent visions, inspired by the artist’s memories and heady dreams, also borrowed from the field of apocalyptic literature (Dante, E.A. Poe, Cormac McCarthy) as well as from the dark annunciations or epiphanic revelations that strike children and shepherds in religious stories. «In his work, Jean-Charles Eustache has created a series of paintings that are not as narrative as the ones he created in the past, but that are similar to grids and embossments: «When he creates surfaces whose arrangement could be similar to meticulously ordered grids, Jean-Charles Eustache does not make abstract paintings, supposing that something like abstraction could exist elsewhere than in the ethereal visions of dreams and revelations. Instead, he renders in these miniature frescoes an intimate and utterly real moment dedicated to the observation of walls and facades caressed by sunlight.»
Jean-Charles Vergne, Director of FRAC Auvergne