Jean Degottex — Le sourcier — Du signe à l’écriture, de l’écriture à la ligne


Mixed media

Jean Degottex — Le sourcier
Du signe à l’écriture, de l’écriture à la ligne

Past: May 23 → June 29, 2013

This exhibition is offering the rediscovery of a major artist that is Jean Degottex (1918-1988). Not only was he an essential painter of the French après-guerre, but also one of the pioneers of an art of which freedom and creativity nowadays still influences the most contemporary practices.

A physical as well as symbolic sensibility, an interplay of materials, an ability to establish a space in an absolute economy of means and with every new creation questioning the ways and means of his profession. These are some of the many ethics that Jean Degottex worked by. Now, more than ever, his work is revealed with evident clarity.

P.W — Translated by Benjamin Hollis
06 St Germain Zoom in 06 St Germain Zoom out

14 et 29, rue de Seine

75006 Paris

T. 01 43 26 53 09

Louvre – Rivoli
Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre
Pont Neuf

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM / 2:30 PM – 7 PM

Venue schedule

The artist