Ju Ran — Exposition personnelle

Ju Ran, Batterr A?? M?, 2012
Résine, métal, peinture — 210 × 185 × 50 cm — 3 tirages
Courtesy of the artist & A2Z Art Gallery, Ivry sur Seine
Ju Ran
Exposition personnelle
Past: April 25 → May 25, 2013
Ju Ran’s artistic approach is based on the shifting of the aesthetics of violence. The models for his sculptures are consumer products which have been reflected in a distorting mirror. The subjects of his sculptures are stripped of the form necessary to their function so that only the aesthetic remains. The resulting orphaned violence appears absurd.
06 St Germain
06 St Germain
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
The artist
Ju Ran