La Chorégraphie du travail #3 — Hors Labos

La Chorégraphie du travail #3
Hors Labos
Past: Sunday, November 24, 2013 6 PM → 8 PM
At the Collège des Bernardins, Romana Schmalisch discusses with London-based writer Marina Vishmidt the influence of the economy on the educational system, the different approaches and goals of support programmes, and finally the role of the human body in this context :
“From early on we learn to be disciplined, to remain in a sitting position for hours, to obey, to be punctual, and to use a language adequate to the respective context. Acquiring these habits is demanded and forced by the school system and during vocational training, which prepare us for meeting the requirements of the world of work and being able to function in society. But are the conditions of labour and its concept ever questioned during the entire period of education? Or does labour only appear as the subject of historical investigations or in theoretical contexts, like in economic or social sciences? And when neither the particular aspects of labour are being questioned nor the “meaning” that one’s own current or future work would have — short of providing one’s livelihood — how does the individual come to a decision about his or her occupation, and by which space of possibilities is this decision limited?”
Opening hours
Every day except Sunday, 10 AM – 6 PM
Sundays and holidays from 2PM until 6 PM
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artist
Romana Schmalisch