La fusion des possibles


Installation, new media, photography, sculpture...

La fusion des possibles

Past: April 15 → June 15, 2023

Topographie de l art 1 1 grid La fusion des possibles — Topographie de l’art L’espace Topographie de l’art présente La fusion des possibles, une exposition pensée par Dominique Moulon qui explore, à travers l... 1 - Pas mal Critique
The Fusion of the Possible

Yesterday’s possibilities are today’s realities that we are constantly merging to make them even better. Over the last sixty years, many artists with a strong affinity for technology of their time have anticipated our environments or uses with their creations. It is often by hacking innovations that they innovate in turn when their multiple practices come together as their techniques agglomerate.

Pascal dombis i%20am%20not%20a%20robot 4009 1 medium
Pascal Dombis, I AM NOT A ROBOT, 2023 Installation vidéo algorithmique — Ecran : 0.95 × 1.70 m Crédit de production pour le logiciel vidéo : Claude Micheli / Courtesy de l’artiste et de l’Adagp, Paris.

From the scientific laboratory to the artist’s studio, everything happens at the junction of the material and the immaterial, as well as that of intelligence and data, without forgetting the realities that are brought together by considering them extended. There is no longer an autonomous field of research, isolated from the others.

Sabrina rattemonadeiv 40x40 1 medium
Sabrina Ratté, Monade IV, 2020 Photogrammétrie (scans et animation 3D) — 120 × 120 cm Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Charlot

In an age when the notion of artistic tendency is no longer operative, the exhibition The Fusion of Possibilities, with artworks from converging practices, aims to be the expression of the symbiosis of ideas as well as of forms.

Thibault brunet 1 medium
Thibault Brunet, 3600 secondes de lumière / N43 C47, 0 50 × 50 cm Courtesy de l’artiste, de la galerie Binôme et de l’Adagp, Paris
Dominique Moulon
  • Opening Saturday, April 15, 2023 6 PM → 9 PM
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

15, rue de Thorigny

75003 Paris

T. 01 40 29 44 28 — F. 01 40 29 44 71

Saint-Sébastien – Froissart

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM

The artists

And 8 others…