La règle du Jeu — Exposition inaugurale


Installation, painting, sculpture, mixed media

La règle du Jeu
Exposition inaugurale

Past: October 21 → December 17, 2010

The inaugural exhibition is called “The Rule of the Game,” a title borrowed from the famous film by Jean Renoir, where protagonists with different characters and backgrounds are linked in an unexpected way, thwarting all expected grids with relationships and alliances.

Here, the works will occupy the space in order to stand out in a different light, especially through the use of depth of field, allowing many actions to take place at the same time.

  • Opening Thursday, October 21, 2010 11 AM → 3 PM
Chantal Crousel – La Douane Gallery Gallery
Map Map
10 Paris 10 Zoom in 10 Paris 10 Zoom out

11f, rue Léon Jouhaux
Escalier G – 3ème étage

75010 Paris

T. 01 42 01 64 97 — F. 01 42 77 59 00


Opening hours

Monday – Friday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Sur rendez-vous

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