Le film et son double — Séance #2 — franck leibovici / Uriel Orlow



Le film et son double — Séance #2
franck leibovici / Uriel Orlow

Past: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 8 PM → 11 PM

des cartes de conversation (une négociation)
[On conversation maps (a negotiation)]
franck leibovici

present a conversation in an alternative form than lexical transcription.
 — a conversation map — how?
 — (the design needs to be negotiated with the members)
 — has anyone ever wondered how to draw the morphology of a conversation?
 — (will we know how to integrate its choreography?)

Unmade Film: The Proposal
Uriel Orlow

Unmade Film is an expansive collection of audio-visual works that point to the structure of a film but never fully become one. Unmade Film takes as its starting point the mental hospital Kfar Sha’ul in Jerusalem. Initially specialising in the treatment of Holocaust survivors — including a relative of the artist — it was established in 1951 using the remains of the Palestinian village Deir Yassin that had been depopulated in a massacre by Zionist paramilitaries in April 1948. Unmade Film was developed over a two-year period of research and production between 2011 and 2013. The work and its different elements evolved out of exchanges and collaborations with psychologists, psychiatric nurses, historians, musicians, pupils, amateur actors, curators, artists and others.

Uriel Orlow will present his lecture performance Unmade Film: The Proposal. In this last work of Unmade Film, the artist returns to the very beginning of the project, looking backward and forward at the same time. As a film proposal, it connects his own family history, the village of Deir Yassin, questions around narrative structures and the eventual impossibility of making this film. The live format combines story telling, autobiography, and interrogation with the act of witnessing on the part of the audience.

93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

41, rue Lécuyer

93300 Aubervilliers

T. 01 53 56 15 90 — F. 01 53 56 15 99


Aubervilliers – Pantin Quatre Chemins

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm

Admission fee

Free on reservation at reservation@leslaboratoires.org ou 01 53 56 15 90

The artists

  • Franck Leibovici
  • Uriel Orlow
  • Thomas Clerc
  • Erik Bullot
  • Alexis Guillier
  • Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson
  • Rabih Mroué
  • Simon Ripoll Hurier
  • Clara Schulmann
  • Stephen Wright