Le lait du miroir


Installation, sculpture, mixed media

Le lait du miroir

Past: September 19 → 26, 2015

Curated by Martina Sabbadini

“Perhaps Looking-Glass milk isn’t good to drink” says Alice to herself, as her cat listens in.

Closely contemplating the world reflected in the surface of the mirror — a world that seems identical to her own, though located at an unattainable remove — the girl questions an unknown dimension: if the mirror world is an inverted world, then the glass of milk she holds in her hands may also have ’turned’, may not be good to drink.

Fascinated by the image of the liquid before her, she chooses to reach out towards her reflection, accessing the inverted world, where liquids, little by little, will transform Alice into the substance of her dreams.

More informations

Opening days : 20, 24, 25 and 26 September and under appointment

  • Opening Saturday, September 19, 2015 4 PM → 10 PM

    Dégustation du « lait du miroir » de Lei Saito !

Le 6b Independant
Map Map
93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

6-10 quai de Seine

93200 Saint-Denis

T. 01 42 43 23 34


Basilique de Saint-Denis

Opening hours

Monday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Ouverture de l’accueil. Pour les événements voir les horaires dans le descriptif des événements.

Admission fee

Free entrance

The artists

  • Alicia Zaton
  • Lauren Coullard
  • Yannick Langlois
  • Loup Sarion
  • Lei Saito
  • Paul Lahana
  • Hadrien Gerenton
  • Alessia Cargnelli
  • Gusti Fink
  • Beatrice Marchi
And 2 others…