Le Pari(S) — La Semaine de l’art


Mixed media

Le Pari(S)
La Semaine de l’art

Past: October 19 → 25, 2020

Every year in October, Paris beats to the rhythm of art. With a one-of-a-kind cultural offer, our city is positioned as an international art capital and continues to impose itself as such in today’s unusual context: most public and private actors propose and renew an extraordinary variety of exhibitions and artistic events.

This is why, in a spirit of unity and solidarity, the Comité professionnel des galeries d’art wants to list and promote the initiatives offered by all actors of our arts scene. The many Parisian galleries and the artists they represent will be particularly mobilized.

In order to invite the public to attend, the CPGA will produce a map and a website. The events that will be listed on the site will include:

The galleries’ programming
The galleries’ night
Inter-gallery tours and walks (Paris Avant Première, Marais.guide, etc.)
Invitation of foreign galleries in Paris galleries
Fairs and exhibitions (Art Elysées, Asia Now, Gallery owners, Paris Internationale, etc.)
Events in institutions
LE PARI has a double goal: first to show that cultural and artistic life continues to flourish in France, and second, to encourage more than ever a sector affected by the health crisis.

In the context of this year 2020, it is essential to strengthen ties with French visitors who are always eager for new discoveries, and to send abroad the symbol of a resilient and dynamic art world.

The Comité professionnel des galeries d’art, chaired by Marion Papillon, wishes to recall that art galleries are major players in artistic creation and to reaffirm their complementarity with artists, collectors, curators, fairs, foundations and museums.

LE PARI initiated by the entire CPGA Board of Directors will be coordinated by its General Delegate Géraldine de Spéville with the assistance of Marie Delas, Director of Paris Gallery Weekend. The CPGA team will work closely with the various contacts in order to relay to the public the most complete offer of the many events organized on this occasion.

Divers lieux Art center
Map Map
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Venue schedule