Les Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes présentent la Compagnie du dernier étage

Les Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes présentent la Compagnie du dernier étage
Past: Thursday, March 31, 2016
Louise Bataillon, accompanied by her five actors, takes a light and amused look at her generation, the times of adolescence and her first loves between frivolity, idealism and contradictions. “About the postcard, I would have preferred the Virgin Mary in pyjamas"*and “I don’t want a love that castrates but you would look good with a fringe” are a humorous and delicate reflection of the tendencies and concerns of today’s youth. In an open dialogue with the viewer, through conversations that evoke memories of childhood and adolescence, the actors touch the audience and turn them into witnesses of their encounters, their relations and their intimacy. These two plays will be presented at La Fabrique des Pépinières in Montreuil on Saturday 23th and Sunday 24th April 2016.
Spotted with “Study of the first love” during the previous Festival d’Avignon, within the Off programme, Pépinières wished to invite the young Montreuilese troupe in residence. Born of the encounter of a director and five actors, la Compagnie du Dernier étage was soon joined by a visual artist, a light designer and a stage designer. In October 2015, in the framework of one of Pépinières’ residency programmes in Montreuil, the troupe initiated a transdisciplinary creation project. Following this research time, Pépinières presented the play “About the postcard, I would have preferred the Virgin Mary in pyjamas” in January 2016 in an original and prestigious venue, a villa by the architect Mallet-Stevens in Paris, in the framework of their exhibition “Date as per postmark”.
Saturday, 23rd April 2016
— 7pm “About the postcard, I would have preferred the Virgin Mary in pyjamas” (1:15:00)
Encounter with the troupe
— 9pm “I don’t want a love that castrates, but you would look good with a fringe” (1:20:00)
Sunday, 24th April 2016
— 3:20pm “About the postcard, I would have preferred the Virgin Mary in pyjamas” (1:15:00)
Encounter with the troupe
— 5:30pm “I don’t want a love that castrates, but you would look good with a fringe” (1:20:00)
La Fabrique des Pépinières à la Maison de l’arbre
9 rue François Debergue
93100 Montreuil
Metro Croix de Chavaux (line 9)
Full price: 1 play 10€, 2 plays 15€
Discount ticket (students, jobseekers, inhabitants of Montreuil):* 1 play 7€, 2 plays 10€
Booking recommended* at pepinieres@art4eu.net
“I don’t want a love that castrates by you would look good with a fringe”
Production; La Compagnie du Dernier étage
“About the postcard, I would have preferred the Virgin Mary in pyjamas”
Coproduction: La Compagnie du Dernier étage, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes — programmes La Fabrique des Pépinières et Pépinières IN Networking.
With the support of : the European Commission — Creative Europe programme, French Ministry of Culture and Communication, French Ministry of the City, Youth and Sports, the Regional Council of Île-de-France — Fabriques de Culture programme.
La Fabrique des Pépinières à la Maison de l’Arbre, 5-9 rue François Debergue
93100 Montreuil
T. 01 55 86 08 80
Opening hours
Les horaires varient en fonction de la programmation
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artists
Louise Bataillon
Jordan Besnaiou
Camille Faye
Nicolas Hardy
Noëlle Thibault
Anouk Rabot
Clémentine Gaud
Carine Ravaud