Louis Stettner — Ici ailleurs



Louis Stettner
Ici ailleurs

Past: June 15 → September 12, 2016

Galerie de photographies, Niveau -1

The exhibition highlights eight decades of a varied, powerful and lyrical body of work.

A major figure of the history of photography, Stettner shows us the poetic post-war Paris, the animated New York of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies, and the atmospheric quality of urban scenes, where he captured people at work with extraordinary perception.

Born in 1922, Louis Stettner took to photography in the Thirties. In the decades after the war, he made frequent trips between France and America.

Wishing for the Centre Pompidou to become the reference location for his work, Louis Stettner recently donated an exceptional group of hundred and four prints.

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Louis Stettner, Joueurs de cartes, De la série « Penn Station », New York, États-Unis, 1958 Centre Pompidou / Dist. RMN-GP © Louis Stettner

Through the generosity of Hervé and Etty Jauffret, this donation is augmented with the acquisition of seven of the artist’s important vintage prints, and the extraordinary dummy of « Pepe & Tony », a 1956 book project that was never published. Featured in the exhibition, this new selection of vintage prints and the dummy make a significant addition to the Centre Pompidou’s photography collection as a whole, and its American photography collection in particular.

The exhibition in the Centre Pompidou Galerie de photographies includes famous pictures by Stettner such as Aubervilliers (1947), Brooklyn Promenade (1954) and Manège (1949), as well as many others never previously shown.

04 Beaubourg Zoom in 04 Beaubourg Zoom out

Place Georges Pompidou

75004 Paris

T. 01 44 78 12 33 — F. 01 44 78 16 73


Hôtel de Ville

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, 11 AM – 9 PM
Late night on until 11 PM

Admission fee

Free entrance for this event

The artist

  • Louis Stettner