Mémoires et Temporalités
Installation, painting, video

Flavien Théry, Spectre, 2014 (detail)
Installation Aluminium, pvc, écran à cristaux liquides modifié, carte mémoire — 102,5 × 62 × 21,5 cm
Production : Siana — Courtesy de l’artiste et de la Galerie Charlot, Paris
Mémoires et Temporalités
Past: Friday, June 17, 2016 7 PM → 9 PM
This event treats the relative experience of time and the supports used to record it, which, when assembled, form the collective memory of an era. The artists portray, take up and transform a holistic representation of the world at a point in time in order to identify its key characteristics. A round table moderated by Thierry Fournier.
93 Seine-St-Denis
93 Seine-St-Denis
Mairie de Montreuil
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 10 AM – noon / 2 PM – 9 PM
, 2 PM – 9 PM
Saturday, 10 AM – 5 PM
Fermé les dimanches, jours fériés et la deuxième semaine des vacances scolaires.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artists
Pierre-Laurent Cassière
Malachi Farrell
Daniel Spoerri
Edouard Sufrin
Flavien Théry
Maxime Damecour
Floriane Pochon & Alain Damasio
Alix Desaubliaux
Irene Fenara
Matthias Pasquet