Sans commune mesure


Architecture, drawing, sculpture, mixed media

Sans commune mesure

Past: January 14 → February 25, 2012

The group exhibition “Sans commune mesure” brings together artists who draw their inspiration in the framework of the formal and theoretical disciplines using measurement. From drawing to sculpture, via collage, the works presented share an interest for conception and construction and go about these topics with a peculiarity applied in many fields (applied sciences, music, architecture, design, cartography..).

The world is imbued by gravity. No one pretends to escape from it, but some decide to act as if they could. The laws of physics indeed cannot be ignored, but eight artists practice a way round them to give shape to the impalpable and defy gravity.

One needn’t be visible to act on the elements. The science of fluids tracks down what escapes from sight and exerts its strength on others. To capture that flow may require the use of phonic insulator container of vibratory waves (Raphaël Zarka et Guillaume Constantin), a ruler pierced by the winds (Rodolphe Delaunay), or of a hollowed out sphere submitting gravitational laws to a counter-revolution (Vincent Mauger).

Between the space of the image and that of the site, architecture is the link. Using it in order to to get rid of it, the artists capture shapes and real forces at work to re-instill them afterwards. Whether self-grafted volumes (Jean-Baptiste Couronne) or an annihilated landscape (Marine Pagès) or a memory-enabled piece (Jean-François Leroy), these works take part in a boundless perspective.

Any work of art takes part in the lineage of a legacy — historical, scientific, artistic — to which it belongs to. In exchange these works contribute to the construction of the present world. The accomplished work resembles each and everyone: rigorous, unpredictable, spectacular or meticulous, in any case outside the established norms.

Claire Taillandier, translated by Samy da Silva
  • Opening Saturday, January 14, 2012 4 PM → 9 PM
Bertrand Grimont Gallery Gallery
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03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

47, rue de Montmorency

75003 Paris

T. 01 42 71 30 87

Arts et Métiers
Réaumur – Sébastopol

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment

The artists

From the same artists