Miloslav Moucha — A partir d’un point

Miloslav Moucha
A partir d’un point
Past: May 12 → June 19, 2016
If today Miloslav Moucha declares himself « painter, simply », it is not without a challenge tip, because he knows very well where the vicissitudes are, but also all the expressive potential inherent in this profession.
The beginnings of his artistic creation situate in the Czechoslovakia of the 1960s, a country that he leaves to settle in France after 1968 at the time of the soviet occupation. His efforts are successful and gained an international recognition. His works are present in the most prestigious collections, in particular those of the MNAM — Centre Pompidou. Appointed professor of the School of Fine Arts in Besançon in 1974, he leaves the teaching at the beginning of 1990s to devote himself completely to his work.
From that time, he is again present on the artistic scene in his native country where he is more and more recognized, « shyly » but gradually, just like the illustrious Czech-French artists Frantisek Kupka or Josef Síma, he continues their lineage with dignity.
In his autobiographical book Over time (1999), Moucha describes, with hindsight, his experiments of the 1970s : ritual actions, « simple installations, made of golden, blue or natural pebbles, of strings impregnated graphite », but paraphrased in parallel with descriptive plastic means. « I tested the possibilities offered by material plastics, such as the point, the line, the surface. I got closer little by little to the classical painting. » Pierre Restany dedicates him in 1977 an article entitled « Between presence and absence », which summarizes well the various polarities which characterize the formal researches and the spiritual quests of the artist.
The point, which becomes the main motive of his works in 1978, the language of lines and geometrical pictorial and graphic forms, reference to the magic engendered by the fortuitous meeting between objects of the reality and the infinity of the forms and the colors, the still lives or the landscapes like so many winks in the classic genres: all these works carry in them a dimension of discovery, surprise and universal knowledge.
Opening Thursday, May 12, 2016 6 PM → 9 PM
Signature du livre A Course in Life de Miloslav Moucha Event Wednesday, June 15, 2016 6 PM → 9 PM
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment