Sans tête / No head — Exposition de Emilie Bazus, Laurence Kiberlain et Zoé Rumeau

Sans tête / No head
Exposition de Emilie Bazus, Laurence Kiberlain et Zoé Rumeau
Past: February 1 → 26, 2017
“No Head” was thought in reference to the work of Douglas Harding, philosopher of the 20th century. Headless Vision is a way of self-knowledgement initiated by Douglas Harding. The purpose of this path is to allow us to answer the question: “Who am I?”.
What is our true nature? What is our true identity? This method consists in awakening to its true nature, to what we really are, beyond appearances, beliefs and social certainties.
For this, Douglas Harding has developed a series of very simple and direct experiments that answer the question “Who am I?” and finally realize what we are. These experiences rely essentially on the vision, because it is by the attention to what is given without the experience of our true identity.
Through these experiences, we see that we are headless, wide open, empty to receive the world of forms and colors. We are not what we believe to be but a welcome area.
“The most beautiful day of my life, my new birth in a way, was the day when I discovered that I had no head” “I lost a head and won a world.”
Douglas Harding
Since always Emilie Bazus painted and draws characters without any head, because she needs to forget the head to be able to express more sensitive reality of people, of stories and to be able to express bigger emotions.
Zoé Rumeau, sculptor, takes heads, recreates them to make heaps or poetic trophies. Both asking our relationship to the soul, (i.e. Zoé’s head) but also to the seul and to the spirituality.
Laurence Kiberlain is self-taught. She was an agent for comedians for fifteen years.
She began to draw by necessity, a way for her to express her obsessive ideas and feelings. She uses the felt-tip-pen, all its features are constructed of small “rounds” attached to each other that form links.
In the series “lose the head” these same “rounds” replace the faces, the expressions, and allows one greater freedom to each to interpret what the work tells.
Opening Wednesday, February 1, 2017 6 PM → 9 PM
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
The artists
Emilie Bazus
Laurence Kiberlain & Zoé Rumeau