Ouvertures / Openings — A state of dance



Ouvertures / Openings
A state of dance

Past: Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7 PM

The study of animal movement, an interest of choreographer and artist Simone Forti since the 60s, constitutes a pioneer avenue of research, finding in today’s choreographic creation important resonances and implications.

01 Paris 1 Zoom in 01 Paris 1 Zoom out

Palais royal, musée du Louvre

75001 Paris


Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, 9 AM – 6 PM
Late night on Wednesday, Friday until 9:30 PM
Lundi, jeudi, samedi, dimanche : fermeture des salles à partir de 17h30

Admission fee

Full rate €22.00

D’octobre à mars : le premier dimanche de chaque mois, l’accès aux collections permanentes est gratuit pour tous.

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Jérôme Bel
  • Joan Jonas
  • Simone Forti & Charlemagne Palestine
  • Jason Moran