Papiers — Andrea Branzi
Andrea Branzi
Past: October 24 → December 5, 2015
“ The paper loses its flat surface and becomes deep
similar to a thought, to a vibration, white on white background,
similar to a footprint on the snow, to a cloud over a cloud”.
Andrea Branzi
Great Design Gallery and Lithos editions are pleased to present the exhibition Papiers, a collection of new works by the famous Italian designer Andrea Branzi, to whom the Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design of Bordeaux has recently dedicated the first major retrospective of his work presented in France and titled Pleased to meet you, 50 ans de creation (October 10, 2014 — January 25, 2015).
Papiers consists of a series of 10 objects, unique pieces, made of paper, which could remind to vases/containers, whose purpose however is just evoked. They are “silent” objects, deprived of their functionality (“is there any useful object in the end?”, questions Branzi), let free to express something else: poetic? pure contemplation? They are held up by stays, which become their anchoring, their adverb of existence in an imaginary grammar.
The contrast between the employed material (a precious French paper) and the formal result creates a universe of unrecognizable objects, which we wouldn’t know how to name.
In dialogue with these vases-containers, 8 engraving (25 × 35 cm, in 5 pieces + 3 EA) collected in a portfolio and 2 bigger ones (50 × 70 cm, unique pieces). The viewer is invited to decrypt these “improvised” works, to plunge into their mystery, to read these images, neo-modern and neo-antique at the same time, as fossils of déjà vu experiences.
Papiers — Rencontre avec Andrea Branzi & Marie-Laure Jousset Meeting Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 4 PM
On the occasion of the exhibition opening, Marie-Laure Jousset, honorary curator of the Design Department of the Centre Pompidou talks with Andrea Branzi in an interview at VOLUME Bookshop.
The lecture is free but seating is limited. Please register at -
Opening Saturday, October 24, 2015 6 PM → 9 PM
En présence de l’artiste.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Saturday, 2:30 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
The artist
Andrea Branzi