Paul Nelson


Mixed media

Paul Nelson

Past: September 29, 2021 → February 28, 2022

Focus on the singular career of the French architect, born American, Paul Nelson (1895–1979), whose entire collection is held by the Centre Pompidou.

As a major contributor to the modern movement in France, each project was the subject of in-depth research and an opportunity to work with his artist friends: Man Ray, Jean Hélion, Hans Arp, Juan Miró, Alexander Calder and Fernand Léger. Placing emphasis on the concept of “programme” in his numerous projects, he became a specialist in hospital architecture — among French-American Memorial Hospital in Saint-Lô (1946–1955), still in use today and listed as a historic monument. But he also showed a great inventiveness in other projects such as the revolutionary Suspended House (1936–1938) and the remarkable Palais de la découverte in Paris (1937–1939).

04 Beaubourg Zoom in 04 Beaubourg Zoom out

Place Georges Pompidou

75004 Paris

T. 01 44 78 12 33 — F. 01 44 78 16 73

Hôtel de Ville

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, 11 AM – 9 PM
Late night on until 11 PM

Admission fee

Full rate €17.00 — Concessions €14.00

Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans, billet exonéré pour les moins de 26 ans. Et pour tout le monde, les premiers dimanches du mois.