Philemona Williamson — Corpus Painting #6



Philemona Williamson
Corpus Painting #6

Past: May 7 → September 7, 2024

The volume of the Corpus Painting collection dedicated to the American artist Philemona Williamson provides an introduction to her work for a European audience. The thirty paintings presented in the publication are representative of her recently produced art.

“The dynamic compositions in Philemona Williamson’s universe map the grey areas and opaque memories of adolescence in lush color and exuberant form. Her characters are wholly self-contained, offering open ended narratives and leaving more questions than answers. Although Williamson is a memory keeper, she understands its vagaries and allows her characters, both animate and inanimate, to keep their own secrets. In her body of work youth is a mysterious, sensory, even sensuous experience. Williamson’s sumptuous stories navigate the borders between the impending weight of adulthood and the hopeful innocence of youth.” Adrienne L. Childs

Philemona williamson artiste 12 1 medium
Philemona Williamson, Corpus Painting #6 © Semiose éditions

Corpus Painting Philemona Willimson is the sixth volume of the collection, following on from those dedicated to Otis Jones, Hiroshi Sugito, Hugo Capron, Xie Lei and Laurent Proux. “Corpus Painting” published by Semiose éditions is an editorial collection devoted exclusively to painting. Each hard-bound, 48-page, coffee table style volume will focus on a precise set of paintings and will include a text in English and French signed by a prominent figure from the world of art. This series is an invitation to delve into the painting medium and gain insight into a particular series of works, while contemplating a fascinating succession of images with the same passion and devotion one might have for altarpieces or painted icons.

Philemona Williamson – Semiose éditions – 24 euros – Français / anglais – 30 × 22,5 cm – ISBN : 978-2-37739-071-7

01 Paris 1 Zoom in 01 Paris 1 Zoom out

Théorie esthétique, histoire de l’art, beaux livres, poésie, design graphique, retrouvez ici notre sélection d’ouvrages parus récemment.

Admission fee

Philemona Williamson – Semiose éditions – 24 euros – Français / anglais – 30 × 22,5 cm – ISBN : 978-2-37739-071-7

The artist

  • Philemona Williamson