Shaman / Showman — Karl Holmqvist & Oscar Tuazon
Sculpture, sound - music, mixed media

Exhibition view
Crédit photo : Florian Kleinefen
Shaman / Showman
Karl Holmqvist & Oscar Tuazon
Past: May 25 → July 27, 2012
Following their first collaboration during the previous Venice Biennale, the gallery Chantal Crousel is pleased to invite Karl Holmqvist and Oscar Tuazon to build a common exhibition at La Douane.
10 Paris 10
10 Paris 10
11f, rue Léon Jouhaux
Escalier G – 3ème étage
75010 Paris
T. 01 42 01 64 97 — F. 01 42 77 59 00
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Sur rendez-vous
The artists
Oscar Tuazon
Karl Holmqvist