Summer show#1 Matière Première — Curator Soriana Stagnitta


Ceramic, drawing, installation, painting...

Summer show#1 Matière Première
Curator Soriana Stagnitta

Past: July 6 → September 24, 2017

The Laure Roynette Gallery presents its next group show Summer show # 1 — Matière Première, curated by Soriana Stagnitta. The exhibition shows the recent works of Julia Gault, Luc Lapraye, Miloslav Moucha, Zhuo Qi, François Réau, Fabio Romano and Keen Souhlal, speaking through a variety of media — painting, sculpture, drawing, photography and installation.

Matter is what composes every body having a tangible reality.

This term derives from the Latin “Materia” (wood, building materials) and corresponds to the Greek “Hyle” (forest, jungle, wood, construction).

In general, with the word “matter” one refers to the sensible reality, to all that can be object of experience.

In the universe matter is a fundamental aspect to determine its own existence in the world. It represents the substance of things, the gravity of bodies and the essence that creates our identity and evokes our presence.

“If matter is not substance, we do not see what else will be, for if we suppress all attributes, nothing subsists, of course, other than the substratum […].


All else, beyond this dimension of being, is the vacuum, or rather the “false vacuum”, space-shifter and creator of matter (according to quantum physics).

At the very beginning, creation gives life to a form whose true identity is still unknown. Exploration begins at the same time that man is interested in his essence and creates a bond, a relation, which, moreover, permits, according to a delicate and sensitive process of experience and affirmation, the evolution of Being and body, generating an intimate osmosis with the matter that surrounds us and protects us.

This matter, “First,” virgin and pure, establishes a relation of complicity between man and the substance of things.

Generating strong creative and symbolic impulses, matter allows us to immerse ourselves in nature, allows us to perceive our belonging to the world in an interaction that produces new forms and perceptions.

Troubled by “the full”, oriented towards an idea of ​​delirious materialism, ever more virtual and sometimes less tangible today, man needs to regain contact with the earth.

This exhibition proposes a real and sensory attempt, of re-initiation to matter, like as a return to origins, a recovery of our intimate and sensitive roots, without which, no exchange with the other and ourselves could be possible.

Soriana Stagnitta
  • Opening Thursday, July 6, 2017 6 PM → 9 PM
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

20, rue de Thorigny

75003 Paris

T. 06 08 63 54 41

Saint-Sébastien – Froissart

Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment

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