The Crown Letter — Juin/Juillet

The Crown Letter — Juin/Juillet
Past: July 12 → August 12, 2021
Kyoko Kasuya
Listen to the Voices of the Sea from Kyoko Kasuya on Vimeo.
Natacha Nisic
Liza Dimbleby
Letter from Glasgow: Un-forgetting
Last week I travelled as far as Edinburgh, the mirror city. I walked for miles along the Water of Leith. It is hard to miss the obvious evocations in this name of the mythical river, Lethe, that ran through the underworld. I look up the Greek word: it means Oblivion, Concealment or Forgetting. The word for Truth is A-lethe-ia; literally it means an un-concealment or un-forgetting. These last two translations move in different directions. Forgetting suggests a limbo state, something that might sometime be remembered, and provokes a counter impulse to seek that which has been forgotten, the wish to reclaim, or rescue from Oblivion. Forgetting, and the recovery of that which has been forgotten — the un-forgetting — is most often involuntary, at least against our conscious will. But concealment and un-concealing is active, it can be willed, and alerts us to the fact that the hiding of the thing was probably a deliberate act. Un-concealment is closer to the conjuror’s trick — ta da! The big reveal, the curtain drawn back. I walk back upstream, against the brown bubbling current where willow leaves trail on the surface, and wonder about things that have been hidden on purpose and things that are forgotten against our will.
Luise Schröder
Catherine Radosa
Photography of the action made as a part of the long-term film project (2018-2021) on the Triangle of Gonesse (France) — agricultural land in the process of artificialization. Action made with Nathan André, Christophe Domino, Simona Dvořáková, Tania Gheerbrant and with the proximity of the members of the CPTG (Collectif for the Triangle of Gonesse) and other activists during the Zadimanche.
Ruth Maclennan
Horizon (Thirteenth Lap) from Ruth Maclennan on Vimeo.
Ivana Vollaro
Manuela Morgaine
Aurelia Mihai
Voir plus ———
The Crown letter est un projet virtuel, alimenté de nouveaux contenus tous les mardis
Opening hours
Accessible en ligne 24h/24
The artists
- Natacha Nisic
- Catherine Radosa
- Liza Dimbleby
- Kyoko Kasuya
- Ivana Vollaro
- Aurelia Mihai
- Schröder Luise
Maclennan Ruth
Manuela Morgaine
Luise Schroeder