
Past: November 17 → 24, 2017
Tutoriality explores young artists’ creation processes since the tutorial exercise — initially impulsed by liberal economic system in order to reduce the cost of manpower — has been extended to all areas of everyday life.
How this “do it yourself” methodology has infiltrated the artistic creation ? Torn away, reinterpreted or mise en abime, the notion of user manuals seems to become an entire part of the creation process.
Bringing autonomy as well as know-how for the consumer, or enrolling the individual in the industrial production chain ? If from the one hand tutorial gives a sensation of independence, on the other hand it normalizes individualities by imposing preconceived gestures and cultural norms. Same as for the consumer, the artist’s relationship to user manuals in his own artistic field, appears to be ambiguous : the growing use of protocols, kits, recipes, schemas conducts to a standardization of art mediums and working processes. Nevertheless, far from suffering from the tutorial relation to materiality, artists use their freedom to ironize it, deconstruct it or even galvanize it to create unsuspected links between individuals.
Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Ouverture de l’accueil. Pour les événements voir les horaires dans le descriptif des événements.
Admission fee
Free entrance
The artists
- Johan Decaix
Louise Siffert
Marie Glaize
Valentina Canseco:
Mathieu Roquigny
Florent Audoye
Anna Broujean
Arthur Debert
Louis Clais
Claire Goncalves