Catherine Radosa — A quoi pensez-vous ?
Past: November 30, 2013 → January 5, 2014
What are you thinking about? The question asked to the passers by in the streets of Prague, a few days before Christmas 2011, produced a long series of spontaneous sentences. Their reading accompanies the faces of the people collected from the people on the street turned towards the camera, during a tribute to Vaclav Havel.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Théo Mercier — Hier ne meurt jamais
Past: September 28 → November 9, 2013
Théo Mercier exacerbates automation and the contradictions of spectacular society until the epiphany of their artistic potential. He turns around the precept of McLuhan; with him the message became the medium.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Dennis Adams — Malraux’s Shoes
Past: January 19 → March 15, 2013
The set for Malraux’s Shoes is a reconstruction of the iconic photograph of Malraux standing in his study with the plates of his book Le Monde Imaginaire. The entire video is shot on this single set. As the camera moves between fixed shots and slow pans, details of the images on the floor form a visual landscape that runs through the work.
Drawing, photography, video
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Nelson Leirner — Figurativismo abstrato & constructivismo rural
Past: March 31 → May 5, 2012
Nelson Leirner began his career among a dynamic group of Brazilian Conceptualists in the early 1960’s with art that was politically pointed and visually sparse. As this show demonstrates, the political edge has stayed sharp even as the work has gained in material density.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
A Librairy as Memory
Past: January 28 → March 17, 2012
The dominance of digital media as the primary place for information exchange has fundamentally changed the place of the written word and books in our culture. Once the central place for both formalizing current discourse and preserving ideas books have become something more iconic often representing the need for some kind of collective memory.
Collage, installation, photography...
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Patty Chang — Minor
Past: November 19, 2011 → January 14, 2012
Minor is a video installation of attempted journey to Lake Lop Nur, tracing the path of turn of the century explorer Sven Hedin as he tried to map the desert lake as it shifted positions and was “lost” to explorers for over a century. Unable to make my way to the site of the now evaporated lake bed, the video comprises multiple performative actions.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Théo Mercier — Le musée des Arts seconds
Past: September 17 → October 22, 2011
Théo Mercier est allé à la rencontre des artisans des malédictions ancestrales. A Mexico City et à Ostende, à Berlin et à Tewae-Sisassi, chez d’obscurs collectionneurs et de grands mécènes… Tout l’enjeu d’équilibriste de cette exposition fut de rendre cohérente une collecte dont chaque pièce revendique avec violence sa propre singularité.
Installation, photography, sculpture...
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Krzysztof Wodiczko — Arc de Triomphe, World Institute for the abolition of war
Past: May 21 → July 20, 2011
Millennia of bloody conflicts and centuries of devastating modern wars have ruined economies, ravaged countrysides and city centers, and made powerful imprints on our souls. We seem incapable of liberating ourselves from war and its dominant position in our psyches.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Sortir de sa réserve
Past: April 2 → May 14, 2011
Flotsam Jetsam is a journey video that was produced in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River in China. The work is concerned with the notion of landscape’s relationship to identity, in the midst of the extensive infrastructural changes at the Three Gorges site.
Collage, drawing, photography...
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Alex Maclean
Past: February 5 → March 15, 2011
Taken from the sky, the images of Alex Maclean are compositions direct and sophisticated at the same time, given a very personal inventory of the disruption of the urban and natural landscapes. we wanted to assemble an exceptional ensemble of photos which show the “Future of the Future” that Man is reserving for this planet.
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
Hrafnkell Sigurösson — Unfolding Landscapes
Past: December 4, 2010 → January 15, 2011
For some earlier voyagers on the Grand Tour the passage through the Alps was an unwelcome terror. The genteel cities of northern Europe were barricaded by chasms and fractured peaks from the picturesque climes of southern Italy. This landscape in unreasoned ruin was an intrusion and infliction upon their cultured senses.
Photography, video
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
La construction de la peur — Muntadas
Past: October 9 → November 15, 2010
On Translation is a project on the experience and interpretation of fear and its complexities on either side of the Strait. An attempt to perceive and understand hope in a continent “forgotten” by the Western world; Africa as a hope for the future.
Installation, photography
Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery
04 Beaubourg
04 Beaubourg
24, rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie
75004 Paris
T. 01 42 78 03 97 — F. 01 42 74 54 00
Hôtel de Ville
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 2 PM – 7 PM