Le bas-relief dans tous ses états
Past: January 16 → March 15, 2014
Suzanne Tarasieve, dans le choix personnel des œuvres de cette exposition, met en lumière les développements du bas-relief au cours des deux derniers siècles. A l’origine réalisé en plâtre, céramique ou matériaux divers, la bas-relief voit très souvent son aboutissement en bronze.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Shanthamani. M & Terry Taylor
Past: May 22 → July 27, 2013
Shanthamani. M travaille ces dernières années exclusivement le charbon de bois, matériau qui évoque à la fois la création artistique, la révolution industrielle et le réchauffement climatique. Les peintures de Terry Taylor rappellent notre destinée mortelle, avec insistance, mais non sans jubilation. Le crâne humain est le modèle récurrent de ses huiles macabres.
Painting, sculpture, mixed media
Suzanne Tarasieve
Michel Haas — Saute les murs 02
Past: April 4 → May 18, 2013
One thing never changes and remains extraordinarily palpable in Haasʼs work: paper. He makes art only on paper. It is at once his support, the terrain for his excavations, and his raw material. The substance of the paper, its thickness and folds, the tears that he makes in it give his works an extraordinarily physical quality.
Drawing, lithography / engraving, painting...
Suzanne Tarasieve
Julien Salaud — Armée de l’air, armée de terre, tout le monde dehors !
Past: September 13 → November 10, 2012
To really appreciate Salaudʼs works, we must therefore be prepared to abandon some of our hygienic rationality, to give up our over-cultured formal notions, to raise the barriers we have erected between “good” and “bad” taste. We must be ready to join the fight and let our judgements mutate.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Summer Camps — Rêveries américaines sur l’adolescence
Past: June 2 → July 28, 2012
America always looks ahead. Here there is no history, no heritage or past to weigh down the now. “Teenagers are the future,” say the Americans. And, objectively, itʼs perfectly true. Larry Clark was one of the first to be fascinated by and attempt to relive this period that he always felt he missed out on. Young artists on the US scene always look to teenagers.
Painting, performance, photography...
Suzanne Tarasieve
Forever Young — Claude Gassian / Abetz&Drescher
Past: March 21 → May 26, 2012
Galerie Suzanne Tarasiève presents its new exhibition Forever Young. Photographer Claude Gassian and the German painters Abetz&Drescher will be showing portraits of rock stars such as Iggy Pop, The Doors, The Who. Referencing a song recorded by Bob Dylan in 1974, the title evokes these personalities whose image and songs have defied the years.
Painting, photography
Suzanne Tarasieve
Boris Mikhailov — I am not I, 1992
Past: January 13 → March 10, 2012
“A wry sense of humour is often apparent throughout Mikhailov’s work, and tends to be the tie that binds his self portraits together. His comedic sensibilities can be seen in the series I am Not I, in particular his ridiculous posturing with a dildo.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Le Gun & The Black Squid — La Catastrophe
Past: November 4 → December 23, 2011
Le Gun was founded in 2004 by a group of MA graduates from the Communication Art and Design course at the Royal College of Art, London. Also, Le Gun is an independent narrative illustration publication and provides a common ground for both emerging and established artists, illustrators, writers and poets.
Drawing, installation
Suzanne Tarasieve
Romain Bernini & Youcef Korichi
Past: September 9 → October 29, 2011
For their first solo shows, Romain Bernini and Youcef Korichi are each exhibiting a set of new paintings in which the human figure appears to be exiled, lost in an almost psychedelic maelstrom. At first look, the paintings made, respectively, by Romain Bernini and Youcef Korichi seem to come out of two very distinct pictorial traditions.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Romain Bernini & Youcef Korichi — Nocturne des galeries parisiennes
Past: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6 PM → 10 PM
Dans le cadre du Nocturne des galeries parisiennes, la galerie Suzanne Tarasieve sera exceptionnelement ouverte le jeudi 20 octobre de 18h à 22h.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Juliette Savaëte — Infinitude
Past: May 19 → July 2, 2011
Juliette Savaëte travaille sur l’infinie exploration ainsi que sur la prolifération extrême d’un système coloré. Système qu’elle remet en cause constamment puisque à chaque endroit de la toile un monde nouveau surgit. À mesure du temps qui passe, elle ponctue l’espace de formes spiralées, comme un mouvement qui s’enroule sur lui-même.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Lyfe — Yassine Yaze Mekhnache
Past: March 16 → May 7, 2011
A series of twelve embroideries mounted on canvas and worked on with inks, markers and pastels, “Lyfe” is a milestone in the work of Yaze. This work on embroideries results from a willingness to include an ancient Arab tradition in his paintings and at the same time to operate a turning point in his pictorial technique.
Suzanne Tarasieve
Le Paris Bar à Paris
Past: January 8 → March 12, 2011
This exhibition celebrates Berlin’s art scene from the 60’s to the present day, marked by a turning point in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is also a tribute to the original life of Michel Würthle, graphic artist, collector and owner of the Paris Bar, located at 152 Kantstrasse in Berlin.
Mixed media
Suzanne Tarasieve
Nuit Blanche 2010
Past: Saturday, October 2, 2010
Under the artistic directorship of Martin Bethenod, the 9th Nuit Blanche focuses on the contemporary plastic arts in all their diverse forms. Emphasising the synergy between a work, a venue and the audience, the event has attracted works from international artists across a variety of genres.
Urban art, drawing, installation...
Multiple venues
Map Out
Past: June 24 → July 31, 2010
L’idée d’abstraction n’est pas morte tant elle permet de témoigner de notre monde sur le mode de l’équivalence.
Map out se veut un manifeste et une manière de tracer les grandes lignes d’une nouvelle fonction de la peinture. La démonstration se base sur les pratiques récentes de huit artistes, huit personnalités différentes appartenant à deux générations.
Painting, sculpture, mixed media
Suzanne Tarasieve