Spaghetti Junction — Jay Tan
Past: February 29 → July 5, 2020
Spaghetti Junction, le titre de l’exposition, qui provient de l’appellation anglophone, plutôt éloquente pour les pharaoniques échangeurs autoroutiers, résonne bien avec la démarche de l’artiste qui entrelace finement la pluralité de ses origines dans une œuvre ouverte et pop qui se déploie via des installations, sculptures, performances ou vidéos.

Installation, mixed media
Centre d'Art Contemporain Chanot CACC
Take (a)back the economy
Past: April 13 → July 7, 2019
the name of the exhibition is inspired by the title of the 2013 book Take Back the Economy. The work of JK Gibson-Graham, feminist economists and geographers, no longer considers the economy as a unitary capitalist system and space but as an area of co-existence and contestation containing multiple economic forms — in short, a criticism of what they call “capitalocentrism”.

Mixed media
Centre d'Art Contemporain Chanot CACC
Jay Tan
Ceramic, collage, installation, performance, sculpture, mixed media, video
British artist born in the United Kingdom.
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