Laia Abril

Dealing with issues surrounding sexuality, the body, psychology, and women rights, Laia Abril brings to the surface invisible images of the uncomfortable and the misunderstood. Her aim is to cultivate empathy by breaking taboos around societal judgments of what or who is different. With a background in journalism her photographic practice has always been deeply influenced by a narrative-based approach and integration of political discourse.


Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, PESSARIES, 2015
Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, Magdalena Portrait, 2016
Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, HIPPOCRATIC BETRAYAL, 2016
Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, FROM BOILING BATHS TO DOG BITES, 2016
Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, THE ORAL SOLUTION, 2016
Laia Abril, A history of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion, WOOD AND PLASTIC RODS, 2015
Laia Abril, Lobismuller, Untitled, 2015

Laia Abril


Publishing, photography

Spanish artist born in Barcelone, Spain. 

Barcelone, Spain

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