Séverine Hubard — Colloc
Past: October 20 → December 10, 2016
For this fifth collaboration, Séverine Hubard transforms the space of the gallery in order to combine sculptures, installations, collages and drawings. The exhibition introduces notions of collocation (“putting together”), duality/duplication and miror effects through place’s architectural transformation.
Collage, drawing, installation...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Unidentified Line
Past: March 31 → May 7, 2016
Stéphane Berard, Nicolas Boulard, Coraline De Chiara, Julien Discrit, Séverine Hubart and Jan Kopp. Complementing the Salon of contemporary drawing, the exhibition ’Unidentified line’ presents a group of artworks which fall outside the usual practice of putting pencil to paper.
Collage, drawing, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Double Jeu
Past: January 9 → February 6, 2016
“La notion de double implique en elle-même un paradoxe : d’être à la fois elle-même et l’autre”
Clément Rosset, Le réel et son double, Gallimard, 1976.
Les œuvres présentées au sein de l’exposition ouvrent sur une multiplicité de strates issues de gestes répétés, dédoublés ou accumulés. Plusieurs techniques, plusi…
Drawing, photography, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
(Mes) Equivalence(S) Curative(S)
Past: June 6 → July 18, 2015
A proposal by Grégoire Monsaingeon with Michel Aubry, Stéphane Bérard, Werner Büttner, Olivier Dollinger, Juliette Goiffon & Charles Beauté, Séverine Hubard, Jan Kopp, Rainier Lericolais.
Installation, photography, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Séverine Hubard — Et que ça mousse !
Past: May 29 → July 26, 2014
For this exhibition, the artist has made a unique construction using unwanted materials from the Eva Meyer gallery’s reserves. Séverine Hubard has created a Jacuzzi in which the public are invited to sit and at the same time experience and be part of the work.
Collage, drawing, installation...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Ever living Ornement — Une exposition consacrée à l’ornement dans la création contemporaine de l’art et de l’architecture
Past: April 6 → July 1, 2012
L’exposition aborde l’ornement en tant qu’expérience d’un phénomène toujours actif et vivant. Cette orientation anthropologique met en avant ce qui fait ornement à travers ses significations vécues, les actes qui dévoilent sa présence, ses conditions d’apparition et d’existence dans la société contemporaine.
Architecture, urban art, ceramic...
La Maréchalerie
Georg Ettl et Séverine Hubard
Past: September 17 → October 23, 2010
The two artists define themselves as sculptors. They are both interested in architecture, either to improve space as George Ettl does in the Neuss church, or to jubilantly demolish the pretence of prefabricated interiors as Sévérine Hubard’s short film, Trompe l’œil shows. Both artists are interested in public space…
Architecture, installation, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Séverine Hubard
French artist born in France.
- Localisation
- Vie et travaille à Paris, France
- Website