Prix Marcel Duchamp 2017 — Maja Bajevic, Joana Hadjithomas et Khalil Joreige, Charlotte Moth, Vittorio Santoro
Past: September 27, 2017 → January 8, 2018
To mark the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2017, the Centre Pompidou is to stage a group show of the four finalists: Maja Bajevic, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Charlotte Moth, and Vittorio Santoro. This annual event is organised in collaboration with the Association pour la Diffusion Internationale de l’Art Français (ADIAF).
Installation, new media, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Jusqu’à ce que rien n’arrive
Past: December 2, 2015 → February 14, 2016
Whether placing the birth of art at the point when the Lascaux cave was painted 17,000 years ago, as George Bataille did, or over 50,000 years ago as archaeologists and prehistorians are currently more prone to suggest, we are victim to an inexact estimation.
Vittorio Santoro — Le grand paysage (pour un jour)
Past: December 6, 2014 → January 17, 2015
Entitled “The great landscape (for a day)” Vittorio Santoro ‘s second solo exhibition at the gallery revolves around the figure of the artist, the politics and poetics of its practice .
The Exhibition is conceived in a dialog with space characterized by references to travel,
to wandering, or invitations to move ar…
Drawing, installation, mixed media...
Poggi Gallery
Sans titre (Je suis là) — Collection de Thibault Poutrel
Past: September 9 → 20, 2014
Jérôme Poggi is pleased to open the sixth season of the gallery by inviting the young collector Thibault Poutrel to present a selection of works from his own collection begun six years ago.
Mixed media
Poggi Gallery
Past: February 1 → May 5, 2013
In this exhibition, several ramifications of Mail Art will be associated. The first is historical, and gives a major place to pioneering artist Ray Johnson whose work has rarely been shown in France. Johnson invented the New York Correspondence School and at the end of the 1950s began his body of work based on letters to which he asked friends to put finishing touches.
Drawing, painting, photography...
Espace culturel Louis Vuitton
Courtesy of the artist — Scénario d’hiver
Past: November 30, 2012 → April 28, 2013
Entre février 2009 et novembre 2012, Le projet « Libelle » a mis en circulation 18 œuvres dans l’espace public et privé. L’exposition « Courtesy of the artist » rassemble pour la première fois l’intégralité de la collection constituée par ces œuvres imprimées ainsi qu’un certain nombre de formes performatives, pensées comme des activations de ces œuvres.
Graphic design, screen-printing, mixed media
CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image
Exposition collective — How High The Moon
Past: January 25 → March 9, 2013
How High The Moon gathers a dozen artists whose works endeavor to represent space favoring conceptual over Euclidian perspective. Abstracted from focal vision and perspective, these works multiply our viewpoints and launch us to heights at which the horizon itself disappears, dissolving into the visual plane.
Collage, drawing, graphic design...
Poggi Gallery
Vittorio Santoro — C’était le contraire d’un voyage
Past: September 21 → October 27, 2012
Lorsque, avec un lyrisme inhabituel, Claude Lévi-Strauss décrit dans « Tristes Tropiques », un coucher de soleil auquel il a assisté à bord du navire « Mendoza » entre Marseille et le Brésil dans les années 30, il inaugure en même temps toute une réflexion sur l’observation. Il y raconte comment cette expérience fut en fait le contraire d’un voyage.
Collage, installation
Poggi Gallery
Vittorio Santoro — Le Hibou tourne la tête pour regarder ailleurs
Past: March 6 → 31, 2012
Vittorio Santoro’s works are rooted in everyday observations—interactions of individual agency within larger networks of clichés, common ideals, processes involving manipulation and power—, but push beyond them to reveal historical, aesthetic, metaphysical realities. “Owls Turn Their Entire Head to Change Views” is his first solo exhibition in Paris.
Collage, installation
Fondation d’entreprise Pernod Ricard
La collection
Past: March 21 → September 21, 2011
9 ans de café au lit, 9 artistes qui ont été montré pendant cette periode dans l’espace intime-public d’art contemporain à Belleville. Ils ont tous laissés des traces dans la collection de weiswald. Pour la première fois, nous allons montrer la collection « café au lit » au public.
Café au lit homestory
Vittorio Santoro — Que tout le monde vive comme si personne ne savait : some script works
Past: June 10 → July 29, 2011
Recourant souvent à des énoncés écrits ou verbaux plus qu’étranges, leurs contextes et références n’étant pas livrés, Vittorio Santoro place aussitôt le récepteur au centre de la question fondamentale du langage.
Mixed media
Vittorio Santoro
Drawing, installation
Artist born in 1962 in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Localisation
- Paris, Zurich
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