3ème tour — Musiques d’une campagne
3ème tour
Musiques d’une campagne
Past: May 10 → June 23, 2012
The teams of the candidates to the 2012 presidential election busy themselves and fight each other; at the same time, the Duboys Gallery gave carte blanche to five artists enabling them to give way to their impressions during this campaign. Works which are far from the biased speeches, born in the middle of urgency and in the unknown result of the poll, works meant to question our world and its present times. These are images put to a halt like freeze frames while giving another perspective of the event.
The Duboys Gallery as an artistic accomplice commits itself by the side of these five artists.
Frédéric Bourret: a French photographer, born in 1973, trained in New-York. He lives and works in Paris.
The media agitation is at its climax for this presidential election, polls after polls, figures against figures, the newspapers over feed us with information. We are seated among ten orchestras which play their scores as noisily as awkwardly=The project “Music for a campaign” initiated by the Duboys Gallery is an artistic note in this hostile landscape.
F. B.
Raoul Hébréard: a French plastic artist born in 1948, who lives and works in Toulon.
The artist is always tempted to observe and take notes on the world which surrounds him in order to translate it later on through the filter of his artistic concerns.
R. H.
Oakone: a French street artist, born in 1976, who lives, works in Paris and tags all around the world.
For me, street art is a little like making a political campaign : I place my Streets Totems in the street in an anarchic way and within the boundaries of lawfulness… just like the candidates’ posters… My only promise, that I am sure to keep, is to show some art to everyone, in liberty, equality and fraternity=truly !!!
Stéphanie de Rougé: a French photographer, born in 1976, who lives and works in New-York.
Shooting in New York a Paris story, this is the in between where my art grows.
Andrey Zouari: a French photographer born in 1985 in Stockholm, trained in Lausanne. He lives and works in Paris.
Here I am, just like a candidate, my assembly will be an orchestra and my governing a piece of poetry.
A. Z.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Saturday, 2:30 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment
The artists
Frédéric Bourret
Raoul Hébréard
Stéphanie De Rougé
Andrey Zouari