Basim Magdy — Satellite 9



Basim Magdy
Satellite 9

Past: October 18, 2016 → January 15, 2017

The work of Basim Magdy (b. 1977, Asyut, Egypt) conveys his doubts about the transmission of history and its role in the construction of a collective identity. His is a world of shifting truths, peppered with conspiracy theories. Magdy’s works are often imbued with a narrative quality, but do not unfold in the traditional sense of the story in that they reject a linear plot.

His works evoke a sensation of loss or dystopia where time is intentionally distorted, a sensation reinforced by Magdy through his technical choices: much of his more recent work is filmed in 16 mm.

Basim Magdy’s work has recently been shown at the third New Museum Triennial, New York (2015), at the Warsaw Museum of Modern Art (2015), the Montreal Biennale (2014) and Seoul Mediacity Biennial (2014). Magdy won the Abraaj Group Art Prize and was named 2016 Artist of the Year by Deutsche Bank.

Curator: Heidi Ballet

08 Paris 8 Zoom in 08 Paris 8 Zoom out

1, place de la Concorde

75008 Paris

T. 01 47 03 12 50


Opening hours

Every day except Monday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Late night on Tuesday until 9 PM

Admission fee

Full rate €11,20 — Concessions €8,70

The artist