Hors Pistes — Un autre mouvement des images

Hors Pistes
Un autre mouvement des images
Past: January 27 → February 12, 2012
Since 2006, Hors Pistes has pursued its passion for diversity of forms in contemporary moving images. Screenings, performances, video installations, ephemeral web images: the event offers an international selection of these forms. This seventh edition will showcase innovative visual works investigating the world we live.
Films and videos have been internationally selected among twenty artists supported by Hors Pistes, whose innovative works left their mark on last year, inasmuch as they challenge narrative forms and remap the borders between film genres (fiction, documentary, essay…). The films are presented by the artists.
An exhibition around the theme “animal” titled “Le Silence Des Bêtes” will take place in the Forum -1 (underground) of the Centre Pompidou: lectures and performances each evening, installations, video programs. Two Parisian Museums are partners of this exhibition: the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature and the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, where screenings, lectures and an exhibition will be also presented.
Every day except Tuesday, 11 AM – 9 PM
Hors Pistes — Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature Exhibition January 27 → February 12, 2012
La collection du Musée du Centre Pompidou s’expose au Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature autour de la notion d’enfermement sous le commissariat de Philippe-Alain Michaud, historien d’art, théoricien et conservateur au Centre Pompidou.
Hors Pistes — Grande Galerie de l’Evolution Exhibition January 27 → February 12, 2012
Avant-première du film “Bovines” d’Emmanuel Gras et visite performance de Fabien Vallos, écrivain, qui pour Hors Pistes invente un parcours à travers la Ménagerie.
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, 11 AM – 9 PM
Late night on until 11 PM
Admission fee
Free entrance for this event
The artists
Gabriel Abrantes
Mauro Andrizzi
Herman Asselberghs
Pascale Bodet
Erik Bünger
Salma Cheddadi
Phil Collins
Teboho Edkins
Hala Elkoussy
Pierric Favret