Le printemps de la Renaissance — La sculpture et les arts à Florence 1400-1460

Le printemps de la Renaissance
La sculpture et les arts à Florence 1400-1460
Past: September 26, 2013 → January 6, 2014
This exhibition, which carries the representative title Printemps de la Renaissance (Spring of the Renaissance), sheds light on the origins of what is still today considered the “miracle” which occurred in Florence at the time and does so through the major chefs-d’oeuvre of sculpture, the art form which more than any other has enjoyed an extraordinary season.
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, 9 AM – 6 PM
Late night on Wednesday, Friday until 9:30 PM
Lundi, jeudi, samedi, dimanche : fermeture des salles à partir de 17h30
Admission fee
Full rate €22.00
D’octobre à mars : le premier dimanche de chaque mois, l’accès aux collections permanentes est gratuit pour tous.