Loïc Touzé et Filiz Sizanli — Alain Michard / En danseuse, Performance #3



Loïc Touzé et Filiz Sizanli
Alain Michard / En danseuse, Performance #3

Past: Friday, November 3, 2017 8 PM → 11 PM

As part of his En danseuse project, choreographer and filmmaker Alain Michard is continuing and finalizing his residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, begun in December 2016.

For this last week of the residency — programmed from 30th October to 4th November — choreographers Filiz Sizanli and Loïc Touzé are joining the project and providing additional input into its programme of encounters and collective work.

The three artists will be proposing body-image interactions relating to a personal and collective narrative of the body in movement.

This evening event will present the paths taken and situations arrived at in the course of their explorations, via dance, images, archival material and interchange with the audience.

93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom in 93 Seine-St-Denis Zoom out

41, rue Lécuyer

93300 Aubervilliers

T. 01 53 56 15 90 — F. 01 53 56 15 99


Aubervilliers – Pantin Quatre Chemins

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm

Admission fee

Entrée libre sur réservation à reservation@leslaboratoires.org ou au

The artists

  • Loïc Touzé
  • Alain Michard
  • Alice Gautier
  • Filiz Sizanli