Marion Verboom — Da Coda



Marion Verboom
Da Coda

Past: May 16 → June 29, 2024

Verboom galerie lelong 1 grid Marion Verboom — Galerie Lelong & Co. Toujours aussi subtil et profond, l'univers de Marion Verboom s'enrichit d'un travail sur le verre qui déboussole ses échelles et r... 2 - Bien Critique

Marion Verboom’s works embody some of the most recent developments in contemporary sculpture, while remaining firmly rooted in history. They are striking for their diversity of materials, shapes and colours, and can be interpreted on several levels. Verboom’s sculpture is often associated with the notion of hybridisation, insofar as she brings together seemingly distant or even opposing elements to create new forms: parts of musical instruments, mechanical objects or anthropomorphic representations combine in a poetic narrative that arouses the viewer’s curiosity.

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Marion Verboom, vue d’œuvres, 2024 Courtesy de l’artiste & Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris

This sculpture is, however, anything but anecdotal. There are numerous references to roots, both personal and collective, as well as to the history of art (witness the Madonnas series, and the references to Bourdelle and Maillol in the new works). Verboom places artistic gesture and technical experimentation at the heart of her practice: porcelain is sometimes enamelled, sometimes matt, and contrasts with crystal, which in the latest works evokes the milky whiteness of alabaster.

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Marion Verboom, Achronie 45, 2024 — Jesmonite, résine, béton et aluminium — 268 cm x 52 cm Courtesy de l’artiste & Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris

For her first exhibition at Galerie Lelong & Co. she is presenting four Achronies, superimposed elements of different shapes, colours and materials that rise up in columns and evoke “cores”, cylindrical samples of soil that help us to better understand the geology and archaeology of a place. These are intimate, contemporary archaeologies, where we find superimposed the modelling of a clockwork mechanism, a double portrait of Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir, a Merovingian capital, an element from a flute, etc. In conversation with these totem poles, small-scale sculptures, figures and high-reliefs in clay and glass will also be shown.

08 Paris 8 Zoom in 08 Paris 8 Zoom out

38 avenue Matignon

75008 Paris

T. 01 71 72 26 99

Official website


Opening hours

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM

Venue schedule

The artist

From the same artist